Frequently Asked Questions
How do I contact Professional Services for support?
Email us at, and this will generate a support ticket that will automatically be assigned to one of our Professional Services team members. Alternatively, click your case name in the upper right corner of the Browse page, select Support, and fill out the web form.
How do I change my current LEP password?
Go to the Management Tab from the Browse page and select Manage Password. Enter your current password, followed by your new password and select Change Password. Note that your new password must meet the minimum password requirements displayed on the password change screen. See Manage Password for more information.
I forgot my password. How do I set a new one?
Go to the login page and click the link "Having trouble signing in?" Enter your username (email address), and watch your inbox (check SPAM, too) for an email containing a link to reset your password. Follow the instructions in the email. You will only have a short window of time to access the link in the email and set up your new password. See Login Page for more information.
Case Setup & User Management
How do I create a new case in my account?
Creating new cases is reserved for Account Admin users only. To create a new case, click on the Account tab from the Browse page and select Manage Cases. Click on the account name to view the cases associated with the account, and then click the white + icon located in the upper right corner. Enter the desired case name and click "Add Case." Once the case is created, add the desired users. See Manage Cases for detailed information.
How do I delete a case that is over or no longer needed?
To delete a case, from the Manage Cases page, hover the mouse cursor over the row containing the case you wish to delete to display the X. Click the X and the delete case confirmation window will appear. See Manage Cases and Case Deletion for more information.
How do I add a new user to my account?
Adding new users is reserved for Account Admin users only. To add a new user to your account, from the Account tab select Manage Users. Select the account for which you want to add a new user and click the white + icon in the upper right corner. Enter the user's email address and if desired enable Two-Factor Authentication. Click Add User to finish adding the user to the account. Proceed to assign a user type and grant case access to the user. See Manage Users for detailed information.
What types of user permission levels are available?
The following user permission levels are available in Lexbe in order of highest permissions to least permissions: Account Admin User, Power User, Standard User + Add/Delete Docs, Standard User, Review User, Read-Only User and Limited User. See Manage Users for detailed information on each of the user types.
What is Two-Factor Authentication?
Enabling Two-Factor Authentication provides an extra layer of security by requiring users to verfify their accounts with a verification code after entering their password upon login. Leaving this option unchecked when adding a user will allow the user to simply login with the email address and password.
How do I remove a user who is no longer working in a case?
To remove a user from the case, from the Account tab, select Manage Users and then select the user you wish to delete. Hover the mouse cursor over the user's name, and click the X to delete the user.
Data Uploading
Which user types can upload data to LEP?
Only Account Admin Users, Power Users, and Standard Users (Plus Add/Delete) have data upload permissions. Please see Manage Users for more information.
Is there a size limit for self-uploads?
For Native uploads, we recommend keeping the size of a single upload batch to ~20 GB or less. Individual .pst files and .mbox files should be a maximum of 50 GB. Larger .pst or .mbox files will need to be split into multiple smaller ones before uploading. For Production Uploads with load files (Processed data), if larger than 100 GB, please reach out to Professional Services.
Where do I go to access the document uploader?
From the Browse page, go to the Case tab and select Add Case Documents, and then click + New Upload in the upper right corner. When prompted to "Choose your file location," select Local Computer. You will then be prompted to select whether the upload consists of Native files or Processed files. See Add Case Documents for more information.
How do I upload Native files?
When the upload window prompts you to choose Native or Processed data, select Native. See How to Self-Upload Native Files for more information.
How do I upload a document production I received from opposing counsel?
When the upload window prompts you to choose Native or Processed data, select Processed. See How to Self-Upload Productions with Load Files and Metadata Mapping of .dat files for Production Uploads for detailed instructions on uploading productions.
Can I upload .pst files and .mbox files?
Yes. Simply select the Native processing option, and drag-and-drop the .pst or .mbox file into the upload window. LEP will automatically unpack and process the files within the .pst and .mbox files.
What is a Time Zone Offset?
Selecting a Time Zone Offset for native email uploads (.msg, .eml, .pst, .mbox) will display the time in the selected time zone on the PDF version of the document in LEP. When applied to non-email data, the selected time zone will affect the time associated with the date/time metadata fields associated with the documents. Setting a time zone offset is not required for an upload. If no time zone offset is selected, the data will be processed in Universal Time (GMT). See Email Time Zone Offset for more information.
Can I change the Time Zone Offset for an upload batch after it has been processed?
No. The time zone offset must be set (if desired) at the time of the upload. If the time zone needs to be changed for an upload batch, it will need to be re-uploaded with the correct time zone offset applied.
How do I associate a Custodian with an upload batch?
A custodian must be added to the case from the Browse page by navigating to the Analysis tab and selecting Custodians. See Custodians for instructions on adding new custodians to the case. Once custodians have been added to the case, their names will be available for selection from the dropdown menu.
How do I use the "Doc Source" field?
The Doc Source field can contain both text and numbers up to 256 characters. It is a filterable field, and generally indicates where the data came from. A typical use would be to name the Doc Source similar to how you would name a physical file folder that contains documents within. This is an optional field and will default to the upload date if information is not entered.
How long does it take for my upload to process, and how do I know when it is finished?
Processing time can vary from a few minutes to several hours depending on the amount and size of the data being uploaded. To receive an email notification once the processing has completed, click the bell icon at the top of the Browse page (it will have a red dot on it if processing is occurring), and select the checkbox. See Automated Notification of Processing Completion for more information.
What does "Validate" mean and how do I make sure my data uploaded correctly?
Once an upload batch has finished processing, click Validate to perform a series of automated steps that, once complete will identify any issues with the upload and/or provide important information about the documents in the upload batch. See Upload Validation for more information.
Do I need to contact Professional Services if my upload does not pass validation?
Only a validation status of Failed or Error requires Professional Services' assistance. Reach out at
Duplicates and Deduplication
How do I run deduplication in my case?
All processing must be complete before deduplication can be run on the data in your case. Once processing has completed, from the Case >> Add Case Documents page, click the kebab (the three vertical dots) in the blue bar at the top right and select either DeDuplicate or Deduplicate by Custodian. See Deduplication for more information.
Are duplicates automatically deleted?
No. Deduplication does not automatically delete the duplicates. You can delete the duplicates after running deduplication or Professional Services can assist with deleting them at their standard hourly rate.
How do I find the duplicates and delete them?
Expand the Filters section on the left side of the Browse page and click SELECT FILTER. Click in the Add Field text box and type "duplicates" and then select Duplicates from the dropdown. The default "Document is a Duplicate" filter will be selected. Click OK to see the duplicates in the case. To delete them, once they are displayed on the screen click the "Select" dropdown and Select All. Scroll to the bottom of the menu on the left of the Browse page, and expand the Delete Docs section and click DELETE SELECTED DOCS. See Deduplication for detailed information.
Do I have to re-run deduplication each time I do a new upload?
Yes. To remove duplicates from subsequent uploads, deduplication will need to be run each time new data is added to the case.
I ran deduplication and deleted the duplicates. Why do I still see duplicates in the case?
Files can be introduced into a document collection in multiple ways. As an example, different custodians may attach the same document to an email and send it to different recipients, creating separate versions of the same file. During a document collection, those separate emails can be collected and introduced into a document collection and the same attachments are captured with each email. Those emails are kept in different families, and deduplication will not eliminate copies in different email families.
Placeholder Files
Some of my documents have a Placeholder in the PDF view. What is a Placeholder?
There are two types of Placeholder files that may be generated at the time of upload. (1) Failed-to-Convert: Files that fail to convert to a PDF may fail for a variety of reasons, including file corruption, file type mis-identification, print or data extraction issues, and password protection. Some Failed-to-Convert placeholders can be converted manually by either Professional Services or Technical Services as a billable service. (2) Unsupported: Unsupported file types (non-standard files) will not auto-convert. These include files sucah as media files, some container files, some email files, database files, and others. For files that are unsupported, you will need to review them from the Native tab by downloading them locally and accessing them with the appropriate application. See Placeholder Files for more information.
How do I see the Native files associated with the Placeholders?
Click the Native tab in the document viewer that corresponds with the placeholder displayed in the PDF tab. You can download the native and review locally. NOTE: Depending on the file type, you may need special software or applications to view the native data.
What happens to Placeholders in a Production Job?
If documents with Placeholders are included in a production job, the PDF placeholders will receive a Bates number and will be included in the production. The native version of the file will be output in the ORIGINALS folder and will be named for the Bates number.
Can anything be done about the Placeholders?
Some Failed-to-Convert placeholders can be manually processed by Professional Services or Technical Services at their standard hourly rates. If you would like an investigation into any placeholders, reach out to Professional Services at
Should I delete the Placeholders?
No. Just because there are placeholders does not mean that there is no probative data associated with the file. Placeholders are common in all eDiscovery platforms and are expected in most document productions. If the file associated with the Placeholder is Non-Responsive or Privileged, it should be coded accordingly.
Using Control Numbers
What is a Control Number?
A Control Number is a unique string of consecutive numbers that can be assigned to documents uploaded to a case. They are similar to Bates numbers (sequential and can be printed on documents) and can be assigned after a batch upload in LEP.
How do I add Control Numbers to my documents?
From the Case tab, select Add Case Documents (the same place you go to upload data), and click the white vertical dots in the upper right corner and select Assign Control Numbers. See Control Numbers for detailed information.
What is the difference between a Control Number and a Bates Number?
Control Numbers are designed for internal use only and serve as an organizational aid prior to producing documents. Bates numbers are assigned to documents when the documents are produced.
Are Control Numbers automatically assigned to later uploads after running it once?
No. Control Numbers will need to be applied after each upload to continue the numbering scheme.
Creating Custom Tags
How do I create my own custom tags in a case?
From the Browse page, navigate to the Management tab and select Manage Custom Doc Fields. The Document Field Editor will display with the current list of fields/tags in the case. Click + Add Field in the upper right corner and either create a new section for the tag or add the tag to an existing section and choose wheter you want a text box or a checkbox. Tags can also be created from the Browse page using the Multi Doc Edit feature and from the Document Viewer on the fly. See Manage Custom Doc Fields for step-by-step instructions on the process.
Where do I access the new tags once created?
When the tags are created, they are instantly available in the Document Viewer under the Coding tab. The Custom tags will be below the section with the built-in fields for Responsiveness, Privilege, etc.
Can I filter on my custom tags?
Yes. Custom tags are immediately available for filtering once created. See the information on using Filters from the Browse page for more information.
How do I run a search for an exact phrase?
To run a search for an exact phrase, enclose the phrase in quotation marks, e.g., "exact phrase." The OpenSearch engine will only return documents where the exact phrase as entered is present. For detailed instructions on running the various search types in LEP see the Search Help Page.
How do I set up a Boolean search using AND, OR, NOT?
LEP supports advanced Boolean searches with the standard connectors AND, OR, NOT. When using the AND, OR, NOT connectors, they must be in all caps. Failure to put the connector in all caps will cause the search engine to return results where the words and, or, not are present. E.g. Apple AND Pear, Apple OR Pear, Apple NOT Pear.
How do I set up a proximity search?
Proximity searches in LEP must match the format: "quick fox"~2. This will return documents where the words quick and fox appear within 2 words of each other. NOTE: If your proximity search is structured as quick w/2 fox, you must modify it to "quick fox"~2 for the results to be accurate. See Search for other examples of proximity searches.
How do I use a Boolean Wildcard or Root Expander?
LEP's OpenSearch engine allows use of the Single Character Wildcard ? and the Multi-Character Wildcard *. E.g., Appl? will return documents containing Apple or Apply. F?x will return documents containing Fix, Fox, Fax, etc. Appl* will return documents containing Apple, Apples, Apply, Applies, Application, Appliance, etc. Fa* will return documents containg Fax, Faxes, Fade, Fad, Fail, etc.
What is a fuzzy search?
A Fuzzy Search will find a word even if it is slightly misspelled. For example, a fuzzy search for liti3ation will find litigation. The Fuzzy Search character is ~. E.g., Brwn~ will find Brown, Brawn, etc. Erica~ will find Erika, Ericka, etc.
Where do I access the Search Term Report feature?
To run multiple search terms simultaneously, from the Browse page, navigate to the Analysis tab and select Search Term Report. See Search Term Report for detailed information.
How can I easily add all documents associated with a Search Term Report to a review set?
Once a Search Term Report has been processed, the report will be available in the Filters menu. Filtering on the report title will display all of the terms and you can then select all of the terms to display the associated documents on the Browse page. They can then be added directly to a Review set. See Search Term Report and Review Sets for more information.
Using Review Sets
How do I create a review set?
Creating review sets is limited to Account Admin users only. From the Browse page, navigate to the Discovery tab and select Review Sets. Click + Add Review Set in the upper right corner, then enter the desired Review Set Name and select a Review Order (either Master Date or Source File Path). Click Create Review Set to save the set. Return to the Browse page and filter to the documents you want added to the review set, and add them in the Review Sets section on the left side of the Browse page. You will then need to make the review set available to users for review. See Review Sets for detailed information.
How do I make a review set available for reviewers?
Once you have added documents to a review set, locate the set on the Review Sets page and click the green circled arrow to the far right of the review set. Click the icon to make the review set available for reviewers.
How does a review set keep track of the number of documents reviewed?
When working in a review set, clicking the Save button after coding the document will "check in" the document and mark it as having been reviewed.
As a reviewer, how do I "check out" documents from a review set to review?
From the Browse page, navigate to the Discovery tab and select Review Sets. Find the review set that you need and click the green Start button to the left of the review set name. If you have previously worked in the review set, when you come back to continue your review, click the green Continue button to the left of the review set name.
How do I quickly code documents in a review set using the same coding as the previous document?
There may be occasions when reviewing documents in a review set where you will want to code several documents in succession with the same coding. Once the desired coding is applied to the document and the coding is saved, the next document will display a blue button Apply previous coding changes. Click the button to apply all of the coding from the previous document (including coding within custom tags), to the current document. Click Save to save the changes.
How do I access the documents I've already reviewed when working in a review set?
When reviewing documents in a review set, links to the documents you have previously reviewed will be displayed in the Review Documents panel to the left. Click one of the documents to access it. The reviewed documents appear in descending order meaning the current document under review will always be the document at the top of the list.
Why do I see documents in my review set that have already been coded or reviewed?
If you see documents in the review set that are designated as "Document Reviewed by Others" and already have coding applied, then it means that the review set was created without excluding documents that had previously been coded. You can either click save and move on, or the Account Admin user will need to recreate the review set without the previously reviewed documents. Please reach out to Professional Services at for assistance.
Document Viewer
What document views are available?
The following views are available in the Document Viewer for uploaded data: Native, PDF, HTML, Redacted, Text, Page, Annotated, Produced, Translated, and Compare. Most review occurs with the PDF version displayed. The Native view is only available if the document has a corresponding native version in the platform. The Annotated and Redacted views provide access to the Redaction and Annotation editors. The Produced and Translated versions will only display if the document has been run through a document production (Produced) or has a corresponding foreign language translation (Translated). See Document Viewer for detailed information.
What is the difference between HTML and Text?
The HTML tab contains text extracted from the native file if a native file is available for the displayed document. The Text tab contains the OCR text from the PDF generated by LEP in and visible in the PDF tab. Both the HTML text (if available) and the OCR text are searchable when running Searches in the platform.
What does "Save, Propagate & Continue" mean?
There are four options for saving coding applied to a document. The options are Save, Propagate & Continue; Save & Continue; Save & Propagate, and Save. All options save the coding but function differently as to what happens after the coding is saved. Save, Propagate & Continue means that both Auto Advance and Propagate Coding are selected. This means that LEP will (1) Save the current coding; (2) if the coding is applied to an email family member, Propagate the Responsiveness, Confidential, or Privilege coding to all members of the email family; and (3) automatically advance/Continue to the next document for review. Clicking the dropdown beside the Save button and toggling Auto Advance and Propagate Coding on or off will affect how the save function is utilized. See Document Viewer for a detailed explanation on each of these functions and how they operate.
How do I turn off Propagation of Coding?
Click the dropdown arrow beside the Save, Propagate & Continue button, and uncheck the Propagation of Coding box. It will remain unchecked from then on unless you go back in and re-check it.
How do I see the "related" documents including email families in the document viewer?
To the left of the document displayed in the document viewer is a list of "Browse documents," i.e., the documents displayed on the Browse page. To view related documents such as Email Families, Email Threads, Extracted Pages (from a Split PDF), and the top 25 exact Duplicates and/or Near Duplicates, click the dropdown arrow and select the desired view.
How do I switch to dark mode?
When inside the document viewer, click the small gears icon to the right of the Metadata tab and toggle the switch from light mode to dark mode or vice-versa. NOTE: Dark Mode can also be set from the Browse page by clicking the Case Name in the upper right corner, and toggling the switch from light to dark.
Viewing Emails and Attachments Together
What is an email family?
An Email Family consists of a "Parent" email and its attachment "Children." When native emails are uploaded, LEP maintains the parent and children as a family so that they can be reviewed together in the platform.
How do I see the entire email family from the Browse page?
To view emails and attachments in parent/child order from the Browse page, click the paperclip icon in the upper right corner. This will resort all of the data so that the parent emails are displayed with their associated attachments slightly indented beneath them when viewing them from Browse. Opening a document with the Paperclip engaged, will allow an in-line review of the emails and their attachments in order. See Paperclip on the Browse/Search page for additional information.
How do I see the entire email family from the document viewer?
When working in the Document Viewer, you can view the full email family by clicking the "Browse Documents" dropdown arrow to the left side of the screen, and selecting Email Family. See Document Viewer for additional information.
Editing Metadata (for redactions, etc.)
How do I edit the metadata fields for a document?
Editing certain Metadata fields in the document viewer is reserved for Account Admin users only. It may be necessary to edit certain metadata fields for purposes such as removing information fro redaction, entering a document description, moving the document to a different folder and adding or updating the Doc Date. Clicking the blue Edit All button in the Metadata tab will display the fields that are available to be edited (Bates; Source File Path; Folder; Description; Doc Date; and the email header fields From, To, Cc, Bcc and Subject. See the section on "Editing Metadata" in the Document Viewer Help Page.
Coding and Tagging
What is the Key Document tag?
The Key Document tag in the Document Viewer is located on the Coding tab with the Responsiveness, Confidential and Privilege coding fields. Key Document serves as a built-in "Hot Doc" tag that can be used to tag/code crucial case documents. Key Document is available in the filter menu so that any documents designated as Key can be pulled up.
How does the Confidential tag work?
Checking the Confidential tag is an instruction for the platform to print the word "Confidential" on the bottom of all documents run through a document production. For any document tagged as "Confidential," the confidential designation will be printed beside the Bates number on the produced version of the document.
What is the Custom Designation tag?
If a printed designation other than Confidential is required on documents being produced (e.g., Attorneys Eyes Only; Highly Confidential; Subject to Protective Order; etc.), then checking the Custom Designation tag is an instruction for the platform to print the desired designation on the bottom of the document when it is run through a production. See Custom Designation and Production Job for more information.
What is the "Privileged: Needs Redaction" tag?
The "Privileged: Needs Redaction" tag can be used to tag documents that are partially privileged, and allow the redacted version of the document to be produced, while reference to it appears on the automatic privilege log. To use it, documents must be coded Responsive, Privileged and Privileged: Needs Redaction, and then Redacted using the Redaction Editor. See Using the Privileged: Needs Redaction Tag section in the Document Viewer Help Page for more information.
What is the "Personal Information: Needs Redaction" tag?
The "Personal Information: Needs Redaction" tag can be used to tag documents containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that need to be redacted before production. The document must be coded as both Responsive and Personal Information: Needs Redaction and then redacted using the Redaction Editor. See Using the Personal Information: Needs Redaction Tag section in the Document Viewer Help Page for more information.
Does coding a parent email automatically code the attachments the same way?
Only if "Propagate Coding" is checked in the Document Viewer, and only the Responsive, Confidential and Privilege tags. Custom tags will not propagate. If you need to propagate coding from custom tags use the blue Apply previous coding changes button instead. See Email Families & Propagation of Coding for more information. Also refer to the Saving Coding Changes section of the Document Viewer Help Page for more information.
How do I code documents that need to be added to a Privilege Log?
To code documents to be added to a privilege log, code the documents as both Responsive and Privileged (either AC Privilege, Work Product, or both). When the documents are run through a production, they will be assigned Bates numbers but will be withheld and will automatically be added to the privilege log. See the Privilege Log section of the Production Job Help Page for more information.
How do I code documents that need to be produced?
Documents you intend to produce must be coded as RESPONSIVE.
Production Jobs
Where do I go to set up a Production Job?
To set up a production job navigate to the Discovery tab on the Browse page and select Production Job. To create a new production, click the + icon in the upper left corner (or if continuing from a previous Bates number select the next available Bates), then update the fields under the "Details" and "Options" sections as needed. You can then return to the Browse page and filter for the documents to produce and add them to the job. See Production Job for detailed information and step-by-step instructions.
What is production validation?
Validating a production job is required before the job can be processed. Validation runs a series of automated checks on the discovery job to make sure there are no coding inconsistencies among email families, all documents designated for redaction have redactions applied, etc. See Production Validation on the Production Job Help Page for more information.
Can I add documents to a production after it has been validated?
No. Once a production job has been validated, it is locked and no additional documents can be added. If documents need to be added to the production job after it has been validated, you will need to delete the job and start over or add the additional documents to a second production job.
Can I remove documents from a production job that I don't want produced?
No. Once documents have been added to a production job they cannot be removed. If documents need to be removed from a production job, you will need to delete the job and create a new one with just the documents you intend to produce.
Can I re-run documents through a new production job and keep the existing Bates numbers?
No, unless you are running the exact same documents with the exact same page counts through a duplicate production. If any part of the data has changed, all of the Bates numbers must change and prior Bates numbers will be overwritten with the new ones.
What is the difference between a Standard and a Standard + TIFF production?
A Standard Production is a "PDF" production consisting of LOADFILES, PDFs, ORIGINALS, and TEXT. A Standard + TIFF production provides the same output as a standard production but includes an additional IMAGES folder consisting of single-page TIFF images. Refer to your ESI Order or agreement with counsel to determine if you need to run a Standard or a TIFF production.
Does LEP automatically pick up with the next available Bates number?
Yes, if the prior production has not been deleted from the platform. As long as the previous productions are still in the platform on the Production Job page, the production tool will keep track of the Bates numbers and allow you to easily pick up with the next available number.
What are the default load file fields?
The default load file fields are the fields that are populated with metadata in the production .dat file. Lexbe's default load file fields are as follows: BEGDOC, ENDDOC, BEGATT, ENDATT, ATTACHMENT, PARENTID, RECORDTYPE, TIMEZONEOFFSET, FAMDATETIMESENT, VOLUME, ORIGINALSPATH, TEXTPATH, PDFPATH, FILENAME, DATESETN, TIMESENT, SOURCEFILEPATH, CONFIDENTIAL, SUBJECT, DATECREATED, TIMECREATED, MD5, PAGES, FILEEXTENSION, DATERECEIVED, TIMERECEIVED, DATEMODIFIED, TIMEMODIFIED, CUSTODIAN, TO, FROM, CC, BCC, AUTHOR, LASTMODIFIEDBY. Additional fields may be added as needed. If certain fields are not desired they can be removed prior to running the production. See Default Load File/Load File Fields on the Production Job Help Page for more information.
How do I create a link to share a production with opposing counsel?
Once the Production Job has finished processing, click the "Manage Share Settings" button and click the "Shared" checkbox. Add a password and expiration date (both are required) and then select "Generate Link." Send the link to opposing counsel along with the corresponding password. The recipient will need to enter an email address to receive secure access to complete the download. Use the "Production Share Audits" button to see if/when a production is downloaded. See Sharing Productions for detailed instructions.
How do I generate a privilege log?
A privilege log is automatically created for any documents included in a production that are marked both Responsive and Privileged (either Attorney Client or Work Product Privilege). Once the production with privileged documents is complete, select the production job and click the vertical ellipses located to the right of the production job title in the blue bar and select "Export Privilege Log." Click the icon to "Queue step to create Excel export," and then add, remove, or rearrange the desired fields for inclusion on the log. Click OK to initiate processing of the log. See the Privilege Logs section of the Production Job Help Page for more information.
Where do I download the privilege log once complete?
Click the ellipses where you generated the log, and click "Download Excel File."
Can I edit the fields that appear on the privilege log?
Yes. After queueing the step to create the Excel export, you can edit the fields that appear in the log by checking or unchecking the fields.
Can I redact for privilege, but still produce the document and have it automatically added to a privilege log?
Yes. LEP allows users to redact privileged portions of a document and still produce the redacted version, but have the document also added to the automatic Privilege Log. To use this feature, the documents must be tagged as "Responsive," "Privileged" (either AC or Work Product), and "Privileged Needs: Redaction." All three must be checked. Once coded, open the Redaction tab and redact the privileged portions of the document and save the coding and redactions. See Using the Privileged: Needs Redaction Tag section of the Document Viewer Help Page for more information.
How do I add a custom designation such as "Attorneys Eyes Only" to documents being produced?
For any documents that need "Attorneys Eyes Only" stamped on them during production (or any other designation such as "Highly Confidential" or "Subject to Protective Order"), you will need to check the Custom Designation box in the Document Viewer. Any documents in a production with the Custom Designation box checked will stamp the desired text on the bottom of the document during production. See Custom Designation Tag for detailed information.
How do I stamp "Confidential" on documents being produced?
For any documents that need "Confidential" stamped on them during production, you will need to check the Confidential box in the Document Viewer. Any documents in a production with the Confidential tag checked will stamp the word "Confidential" on the bottom of the document during production.
Can I delete a production job after it has been run?
Yes. To delete a production job once it has been run, click the three vertical dots in the production job name tag and select Delete. See the Deleting Productions section on the Production Job Help Page for more information.
Will deleting a production job delete the documents from the case?
No. Only the produced versions of the documents will be deleted.
Will deleting a production job delete the associated Bates numbers?
No. Any Bates numbers associated with the deleted production will remain in the Bates field in LEP associated with the documents that were part of the production. If you would like the Bates numbers removed after the production has been deleted, reach out to Professional Services at
What happens to existing Bates numbers if the same documents are run through a new production job?
If documents with existing Bates numbers are run through a new production job, the Bates numbers will be overwritten with the new Bates numbers.
What do I do when the production download is in multiple parts?
LEP breaks large productions into multiple .zip files when preparing the data for download to avoid potential download timeouts and later extraction issues. The multi-part .zip files are split into segments each holding part of the full set of files. All of the parts must be added to the same folder and extracted simultaneously to extract the full production. When you add all the parts to the same folder and extract them simultaneously, the extraction sofware reads across each segment to reconstruct the full file or directory structure. Attempting to extract the .zip files one by one will cause errors because each segment only contains a portion of the data -- none of them individually has the complete information required to rebuild the contents. For detailed instructions, please see Multi-Part Zip Extraction.
I need to run another production job. How do I make sure that I exclude documents that have already been produced?
To exclude from a new prodution any documents previously produced, you will need to use the Filter menu to filter out the prior production jobs. Filter to all Responsive documents, and then add a filter for the Production Jobs and select Production Job is not and select all of the jobs. This will populate only the Responsive documents that have not been produced. See the Filters section on the Browse/Search Help Page for more information.
Downloading Documents (Briefcase)
How do I download a group of documents to use outside of LEP?
The Briefcase feature in LEP allows for the self-download or export of documents. From the Browse page, filter to and select the documents you wish to export to a Briefcase and then expand the Export section on the left and click EXPORT TO BRIEFCASE. Fill in the desired Briefcase options and click Create. See Download Briefcase for detailed instructions.
How do I export emails and attachments so that they stay in email/attachment order?
The only way to export emails and attachments and keep them in email/attachment order in the Briefcase is to first apply Control Numbers to the documents. Once the control numbers have been assigned, when creating the briefcase select the option to Name files Using Control Numbers. When the briefcase is downloaded and the data is extracted, the documents will be in order by title (i.e., the Control number), and emails and attachments will fall in sequence.
How do I download documents and keep them in chronological order?
To export a set of documents and keep them in chronological order, select the Briefcase option to Name files using Master Date.
What versions of the documents are downloaded via a Briefcase?
Briefcase downloads contain a combination of the following versions of documents: PDF and ORIGINALS, and then if applicable any of the following folders: ANNOTATED, ANNOTATEDMERGED (if merge PDF is selected), PDFMERGED (if merge PDF is selected), REDACTED, REDACTEDMERGED (if merge PDF is selected), TRANSLATED, and TRANSLATED MERGED (if merge PDF is selected).
Is there a size limit to Briefcase exports?
Yes. Briefcases are designed for small data exports and should be limited to ~10GB or less. Larger Briefcases may time out and fail to generate the download zip file. If you need to download data larger than 10 GB please reach out to Professional Services at for options.
Downloading Documents (Case Conclusion)
My case has concluded. What are my options for backing up the data before deleting the case?
Once a case is concluded and you no longer need to host the data in LEP, you can either delete the case itself outright (if there is no need to preserve anything), or request a Case Archive. For a case archive, reach out to Professional Services at and we will work up a quote for the case archive. See Archiving Cases for more information.
What is included in a case archive?
Lexbe provides two archive options: (1) Standard Archive: Contains all documents, work product, and associated metadata provided on a drive and shipped to a provided location; (2) Archive+: Contains all of the documents, work product, and associated metadata PLUS all production jobs, redacted documents, translated documents, annotated documents, Facts and Issues, Case Notes and Custodians.
Can I download and archive the documents myself?
Archives can only be initiated by Professional Services. While you do have the ability to export the data to a briefcase or series of briefcases, this will not preserve the data in a format that can be easily reuploaded if necessary, and will not include any of the metadata. An archive preserves the case data and work product so that it is easily able to reupload into LEP or another eDiscovery platform.
Why can't I just download the data to a Briefcase and then delete the case instead of archiving it?
Briefcases do not preserve the data in an format for an easy reupload and does not preserve any work product or coding.
What happens if I need to re-load the data in LEP after the case has been archived and deleted?
You can send the archive drive back to us and have us reupload the data, or Technical Services can attempt to restore the case to the point it was at the time of deletion (assuming not too much time has passed). Restoration of a deleted case is subject to Technical Services' hourly billable rate.