Limited Users


The Limited User does not have the same rights as Standard and Admin Users. The Limited User can only see certain documents from the Browse page that have been assigned by a Custom Coded Shared Checkbox Field. To request more features, contact the Account Admin User(s) of the account. See Manage Users for more information.

Setting up Limited User Review

To control what documents the Limited User can see, the Admin must first create a Custom Doc Section and Shared Checkbox Field in the case by going to Management-->Manage Custom Doc Fields, and setting up the field as follows:

Once the Limited User custom field has been created, documents can be selected from the Browse or Search screen (or by filtering on a subset of documents) and tagged to the Limited User field using the Multi Doc Edit function.

Once the documents have been tagged to the "Limited User Review" field, the Account Admin user must create the Limited User in the account and grant the user access to the documents.

Once the Limited User is set up per the above instructions, the user may log in and access the selected documents.


The Browse page is located on the top menu and allows the Limited user to only view the documents in the case that the Admin User has assigned using the Limited User Review field.

Document Window

The Limited User's Browse view shows all documents assigned to the Limited User's case by the main administrator user account and contains the following columns:

Control Number. Shows the control number associated with the document (if control numbers have been applied to the documents in the case).

Title. Shows the title of the document. By clicking the title, the entire document will be opened in a new window in PDF format.

Ext. Shows the file type/extension for the document.

Master Date. Contains the master date of the document as extracted from the document's metadata.

Folder. Identifies the folder in which the document appears in LEP.

Bates. Displays the document's bates number (if applicable).

Showing Pages in the Document Viewer

The Document Viewer is used to view the documents stored in the case.

To navigate through the pages of the PDF document, click the Next Page or Previous Page arrow.


See the individual links for more information on a specific tab.

HITS. Highlights the number of times a word appears on each indexed page of the document when the document is opened from Search results.

ORIGINAL. View document in native format (e.g., Word, Excel, etc.) using Microsoft Office or other native applications opened on a local computer. PDF files and TIFF collections (originals) can be displayed without installing additional software.

HTML. View the extracted text version of the original documents without using applications outside LEP. This view will not have page breaks, OCR, and is not a print-formatted version.

PAGE. View paginated documents (multi-page PDFs and TIFFs) one page at a time. This can be faster for viewing large documents.

PDF. View all the pages of the document in a PDF format.

TEXT. View the indexed text of a document. This includes OCR text from scanned documents and extracted text from native documents.

PRODUCED. View documents that have been produced as part of a standard document production generated in LEP. The document will appear exactly as produced to opposing counsel including any redactions applied with the Redaction Editor and any Bates numbering applied when running the document production.

TRANSLATED. View the translated version of a foreign language document that has previously been translated on a local computer using a third party translation tool, by human translation, or by using our eDiscovery Auto-Translation services.

REDACTED. View the redacted version of a file either created within LEP or uploaded as a redacted version of a PDF file.

ANNOTATED. View annotated or highlighted PDF images or files.

COMPARE. Displays the two documents being compared when using the built-in Document Comparison Tool. .

The Limited User permission levels are set within the framework of the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform so additional features, such as Search, are not available. The Limited User cannot make changes to the documents added to the selection for review, but any document that has been Annotated or Redacted will be available for the reviewer to see.

One way to allow an outside individual (ex: an expert witness) to review and search a specific set of documents would be to create a separate case and include only the documents that the limited user is authorized to see. In this new case, the individual would be set up as a Standard User, with all of the rights of a Standard User including the ability to search, without having access to unauthorized documents. See Managing Cases and User Types and Definitions for more information.

Creating a new case is something that an Account Admin User can accomplish themselves. Professional Services also has the ability to take documents identified by the client and duplicate the case using only the documents identified by the client. This would be a billable job at Standard Professional Services rates ($150/hour). Please be advised that depending on the Account's contract, additional gigabyte hosting costs may be incurred if creating a new case. Please check with the Account's Sales lead for more information on any questions related to pricing.