PDF Merge
This technical note provides step-by-step instructions for taking multiple files merging the files into one (1) PDF with separator page between document breaks. The user should already be familiar with how to create a Briefcase before attempting to create Merged PDFs. See the Download Briefcase Help Page for more information.
Merging a briefcase to a single PDF will allow for a single click print of the documents in the PDF folder of the briefcase. If the user selects the order in which they would like the documents to be titled (bates, control number, date) at the time of briefcase creation, the single click print will automatically print your documents in the indicated order.
Creating a single PDF from multiple documents
1. Select the desired files to be merged into a singe PDF from the Browse/Search screen.
2. Create the Briefcase for the documents selected in Step 1.
3. In the Export to Briefcase screen, select Merge PDFs and select the Notification option to receive an email notification when the Briefcase has finished processing.
NOTE: Merged PDFs can take a while to process. The amount of time it takes to process a Briefcase with a Merged PDF depends on the number and size of the documents being merged.
4. Click Create to generate the Briefcase.
5. Download the briefcase. Once processing is complete, navigate to the Case >> Download Briefcase page and download the briefcase.
6. Open the briefcase and locate PDF Merge file.
Redacted Documents
The Lexbe eDiscovery Platform will automatically merge the redacted versions of any PDFs documents exported to the briefcase.
Recommended Size for Creating Merged PDFs
Creating merged PDFs larger than 1,000 pages per briefcase should be avoided as the size of the MergedPDF starts to become large and can begin timing out.