Multi-Part Zip Extraction


LEP breaks large productions into multiple .zip files when preparing the data for download to avoid potential download timeouts and later extraction issues. These files require a specific procedure to extract the data to avoid data loss. To extract these files without losing data, please see the information and instructions below. 

Extracting Multi-Part Zip Files Generated in Lexbe

Multi-part .zip files are split into segments, each holding part of the full set of files. All  of the parts must be added to the same folder and extracted simultaneously to extract the full production. When you add all the parts to the same folder and extract them simultaneously, the extraction sofware reads across each segment to reconstruct the full file or directory structure. Attempting to extract the .zip files one by one will cause errors because each segment only contains a portion of the data -- none of them individually has the complete information required to rebuild the contents. Think of it as a puzzle where each part is needed at the same time to complete the picture. 

Extraction Process

1. Prepare the files.

2. Open your .zip extraction tool.

3. Locate and select the files on your computer. 

4. Extract the files.

5. Access the extracted files. 

See the Screenshot Below