Upload Validation
Location: Case >> Add Case Documents
Upload batches should be validated once processing has completed. Validation will perform a series of automated steps that, once complete, will identify any issues with the upload and/or provide important information about the documents in the upload batch.
Validating an Upload Batch
Once an upload batch has finished processing, click Validate in the "Validation Status" column to the far right of the upload batch. This should be done after uploading both Native uploads and Production uploads with load files.
Upload Validation Report
Once validation is complete, the "Validation Status" will change from "Validate" to one of the six (6) statuses below. Click on the new status to access the Upload Validation Report, which provides basic details about the upload and identifies any placeholders or other processing related errors or issues. Explanations of each potential status are as follows:
Passed: There are no issues found in the batch. All documents uploaded properly.
Info: This status is applied to batches that contain unsupported file types, files that failed to convert to PDF, or documents where the normalized PDF exceeds 500 pages. This status is informational and does not require Professional Services' intervention.
Warnings: This identifies that the batch includes documents with index warnings. These are typically large docs with a partial index that should be manually reviewed. This status is informational and does not require Professional Services' intervention.
Failed: Batches with this status have documents that are missing a Normalized PDF and/or Original file, or one or more container files that haven't expanded. If this is the status following validation, please contact Professional Services at support@lexbe.zohodesk.com.
Unsupported: This status is applied to empty upload batches or batches uploaded prior to January 1, 2023.
Error: The validation step failed during processing. If this occurs contact Professional Services at support@lexbe.zohodesk.com.
Once Validation has been run, click on the status to review the Upload Validation Report in detail. Any errors will be set forth in the report in color blocks with applicable doc counts on the right side of the page. Clicking a color block will take users to the Browse screen which will be filtered on the documents from that batch to which that error applies.