Account Types
Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) Account types include Evergreen, Legacy Flex, Subscription-Prepaid, Subscription-Installment, Hibernation, and eDiscovery Services which includes Forensics and other transactional services only.
Evergreen Plans are month-to-month commitments and can be canceled at any time. Upon cancellation, usage for and during the current month (billed the following month) will still be owing. These are billed monthly on a per case basis. Processing is charged per GB (unexpanded) for the month uploaded. Archiving fees apply.
Legacy Flex Plans
Flex Plans are month-to-month commitments and can be canceled at any time. Upon cancellation, usage for and during the current month (billed the following month) will still be owing.
Legacy Subscription Plans
Subscription Plans (prepaid or installment) are generally 12-month or more commitments for the contrated capacity, beginning on the account effective date, and ending on the subscription end date, subject to renewal. Subscription Plan accounts are not cancelable or reducible for any reason during the subscription plan term (original or renewal) without approval from.
eDiscovery Services Only
eDiscovery Services accounts contemplate Lexbe eDiscovery Services, rather than LEP usage, as the initial services in an account, including In & Out Processing and Forensics collections and/or services, etc.
Hibernated accounts bill at a reduced GB rate. There is no user access while the account/cases are in hibernation. Minimal Professional Services fees are charged to move data to hibernation or to move the data back to an active account. We charge a $100 minimum for a hibernated account.
Culling accounts are billed per GB based on ingested GBs and PS hours. PS will process all data in a processing account. the client does not have access to the culling account. Data that is not moved to the active account is deleted, archived, or hibernated after completion of culling.