
Location:  Analysis >> Custodians


Displays the Custodians involved in the current case. Custodians are the litigants, deponents, witnesses and other individuals and organizations in the case that provide factual information.  The Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) allows the user to record each custodian's name, relation to other custodians and a description of the role the custodian plays in the case.  See Tracking Files By Custodian for additional insights on custodians.

Creating New Custodians

NOTE: Custodians must be created before they are available for selection when uploading data into the case. 

1. Navigate to the Analysis tab and select Custodians.

2. Click the blue and white + icon in the upper left corner. 

3. In the "Create Custodian" dialog box, select Person or Organization from the dropdown and add the custodian's name.

4. Click Ok to add the custodian to the list. 

5. Populate the Custodian Information screen with as much information as desired. The available informational fields are:

Users may also import custodians using Excel as described below.

Creating a Custodian

Import Custodians using Excel

Users may import a list of custodians created using Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx).  Prepare the spreadsheet with the same headings that are on the Custodians page, as follows:

Editing Custodians

1. From the list on the left, click on the custodian whose details you wish to edit

2. The custodian's card will open, so the desired changes can be made

3. Click Save to save your changes, or click Cancel to remove your changes

Deleting Custodians

Please note, the Custodian field will be changed to Unassigned for any documents where the custodian has been deleted from the case.

1. Using the list on the left, identify the custodian you want to delete

2. Click the X to the right of their name

3. A dialogue box will appear, click OK or Cancel as desired

Exporting Custodians To Excel

Follow these steps to export a list of the custodians in the case along with all of their corresponding details.

1. Click on the kebab (the vertical ellipses) in the upper right corner

2. Select Export to Excel

Searching Custodians

Type a custodian's name into the search bar to quickly locate an entry.

Assigning and Filtering on Custodians

From the Add Case Documents Page

From Browse/Search Page

From the Facts & Issues Module in the Document Viewer

Fig. 1: Assigning Custodians when Uploading Data

Fig 2: Updating Custodian from the Browse/Search Page (Multi Doc Edit)

Fig. 3. Selecting the Custodian Filter

Fig 4: Associating a Custodian with a Fact