QC'ing Files with Little or No Text

General Description  

The Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) supports TIFF and PDF file formats including the full-text indexed version. However, the user may come across some files that might have little or even no text indexed into the application search engine when the text version is opened.

Reasons Files Are Not Indexed By SearchEngine

Some files may not be searchable for different reasons, as follows:

How To Identify Files With Little Or No Text Index

From the Browse,  Search, and Add Case Documents pages, the user can select under the section Fields>Show Fields specific columns to be displayed in the main table. We recommend the following:

Export the current log to an Excel spreadsheet, following the steps below:

Exporting To Excel

Based on the words per page, calculate the average number and detect which files have either little or no text indexed. 

Column G of the spreadsheet above is showing a file with '0' words per page and others with low averages of words per page. In cases like this, open the files in order to detect the reason the average numbers are not corresponding to the Words/Pages of the document.