Case Analytics

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This page provides users with the current status of uploads, productions, review sets, document responsiveness, and more.


Each bar represents an upload batch. Hover over a bar and the name of the batch will be displayed along with  the total  number of documents it contains. Green bars mean the batch has been validated, and grey bars mean the batch has not been validated. Click on any bar and you'll be redirected to the Add Case Documents page.


Each bar represents a review set. Hover over a bar and the name of the review set will be displayed along with the number of documents in the set. A green bar represents documents where review has been completed, a blue bar represents documents not yet reviewed, and a red bar means review has not yet been started. Click on any bar and you'll be redirected to the Review Sets page.


Each bar represents a production job. Hover over a bar and the name of the production will be displayed along with  the total  number of documents it contains. Green bars mean the production has been run, and grey bars mean the production has not yet been validated nor run. Click on any bar and you'll be redirected to the Production Job page.

Top 10 Custodians

This graph displays the 10 custodians with the most documents/data. Hover over a bar and the total number of documents associated with that custodian will be displayed.


This graph displays the overall status of review and responsiveness  for documents in the case. Hover over any portion of the ring, and the number and percentage of documents for that particular metric will be displayed.

The inner ring shows the number and percentage of documents reviewed and/or not reviewed. Reviewed documents are represented in green, and documents not reviewed are represented in blue.  

The outer ring displays responsiveness coding across case documents.  Green represents documents marked Responsive; yellow represents documents marked Needs Further Review; red represents documents marked Non-Responsive; and grey represents documents marked Not Specified (i.e. they have not yet been reviewed).

Collection Summary

This graph plots all of the documents in the case based on their Master Date metadata.  When data exists across consecutive months, the plot points are connected by a line. Otherwise, the presence of data is indicated by a plot point only. Hover over each plot point to identify the exact month and number of documents with which it's associated. In the example below, users can see that there's an obvious increase in data in 2001.