Tagging Multiple Fields

Instructional Videos:

For video instruction for tagging documents, refer to the following links:

How to Edit Multiple Fields 

This technical note provides step-by-step instructions on how to apply tagging of Built-in and Custom Doc fields to documents in cases within the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP). 

Getting Started 

There are three different ways to tag files in LEP, depending on whether reviewing directly from the Document Viewer page, or using the Multi Doc Edit, or Coding in Excel. 

1. Using Multi Doc Edit

The Multi Doc Edit function allows users to select documents, and then apply a code to more than one document at a time.  Users may only code for one field at a time, but this feature does create a way for users to isolate groups of documents based on certain filters or search criteria, and then mass code them all at once. Users may use the Multi Doc Edit to mass code for the built in fields, such as Responsive, Privilege, etc., or their own custom doc fields created in the individual cases.

From the Browse or Search pages, choose the documents that need to be coded and then select the documents by checking the "Select All" at the top of the page, which will check the box to the left of the document. 

After selecting documents, apply Multi Doc Edit (e.g., Responsive, Privileged, etc.).

The Multi Doc Edit does give the option to propagate to all email family members.  By checking the Expand to Email Family option during your Multi Doc Edit, the selected documents along with their email family members will receive the coding.

2. Coding or Tagging Files from the Document Viewer

The second way to code documents, is directly from the Document Viewer. This approach would be typical of a linear document review, or when using a Review Set to manage a set of documents that need to be reviewed for production preparation or privilege coding. 

When selecting a document title from the Browse or Search page,the Document Viewer will open in another window. To the right of the document, users will notice the default options for Responsiveness, Privilege, and Confidentiality under the "Coding" tab:

In addition to the default coding options seen above, any and all Custom Fields created by a user can be coded from the Document Viewer as well. These appear immediately after the "Metadata" section, directly below the default coding options. 

At the top of the Document Viewer, toggle arrows will appear that allow the user to move back and forth between the documents currently visible on the Browse page. Please note that the 25 documents is a fixed number and that can not be increased to a larger number of visible documents. 

It is important to note that before moving to the next document, users should click save to preserve the coding applied. 

3. Use Excel to Update Metadata and Coded Fields

Step One - Create and Download An Excel Sheet from LEP Case

Open the Browse or Search pages.

Filter to the documents to modify.

Select the fields to modify from the Fields>Show Fields section. Some of the Built-in Doc Fields are read-only and cannot be modified (see list below); therefore, there is not need to export.


--Original Extension

--Pages, Words



--Date Uploaded


--PlaceHolder, IsDuplicate

--Doc Category



Custom Document fields are supported.

Click on the Select Docs hyperlink and select all documents in list.

Go to the Export section, and click on the Export Log to Excel button.

Save the Excel sheet to a local computer. 

Please note that attempting to export a lot of documents will take some processing time.  Please also be advised that the Excel export will only support 100,000 rows at a time so users may notice more than one sheet after exporting. If there is a large-scale update required, please consult with Professional Services for additional tips or to see if it may be a project better handled by our department.

It is important to make a backup copy of the file and save it. Have the name include the date and time downloaded and an indication of what records are included or how they were selected. An example would be 2013-05-20 Smith vs. Jones Case, All Responsive documents.xlsx.

Step Two - Make a Working Copy for Editing

Copy the Excel file.

Rename using the naming format: AnyFileName.multidocupdate.xlsx (not case-sensitive)(e.g.Enron.multidocupdate.xlsx).

The file must be in an Excel format with an XLSX extension, supported by the last two versions of Excel (2010 and 2013). Older Excel formats (e.g., XLS) or other Excel formats such as XLSM are not supported.

Step Three - Working with the Excel File

Use Excel's copy down function to do massive Row copies. Other useful features are the formulas in Excel and Excel's complex filtering and sorting functionality.

The Excel file must retain the exact column titles in row 1 of the spreadsheet that were exported from LEP.

The first column: DocId, includes the unique document identification in LEP that will associate metadata to the respective files to process an update. This column must be retained and cannot be sorted to disassociate with the data in each row. If improperly sorted or otherwise unassociated, data corruption will occur in the case on upload

Edit in the Excel columns and the values will be updated on upload.

Avoid editing read-only columns as they will not be updated on upload.

Remove any columns that will not be updated prior to upload.

Dates are supported in a number of formats, including the following:

June 13, 2013

2013/06/13 10AM

2013/06/13 8am

06/13/2013 14:00

06/13/2013 2:00:00 PM


If the time is not entered, by default it will be 12:00:00 AM.

No Excel formulas are supported on upload, so any use of Excel formulas should be converted to values.

When populating data to checkbox fields (Custom Doc Fields), use Yes/No values and include the option to remove the main case section.

For example, the main case section Deponents has two checkbox fields titled Mark and Tobey. In Excel, remove the Deponents field and keep only the checkbox fields to apply massive tagging.

Step Four -Updating Bates Numbers

A key use of this feature is to update Bates numbers from file names that are Bates numbers. The following procedure should be used:

Remove the Bates attachment range fields (BatesNumberAttachment Start and BatesNumberAttachment) and keep only the headers BatesPrefix, Bates and BatesNumberDigits.

The Bates field indicates the beginning numeric portion of the Bates designation. Use text formula/functions to extract the Bates from files that are saved with their Bates names, and then values paste in place of the formulas.

Here is an example of an Excel spreadsheet ready to be uploaded:

Step Five  - Import The Metadata Log to LEP

Go to Add Case Documents.

Navigate to the Upload page and click on the Upload button, following the steps of a normal upload.  The file extension will populate the metadata instead of just reading the Excel as a regular file upload.  

Fill out the Batch Title, (suggest specifically referring to the coding project or metadata). Then fill in the DocSource.

Click next.

Add in the Excel file and click Upload.

Allow a couple of minutes for the metadata to be processed and uploaded.


Upload this sample file, mapping Excel spreadsheet to a test case, to practice this procedure.

See Coding in Excel & Upload Metadata feature for more information.