Searching for Hot Emails and IMs

Technical Note Subject

This technical note will help you search for documents uploaded to the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform that include words or phrases indicative of a surreptitious topic.

Why Should You Search for Hot Emails?

Often times surreptitious information is exchanged in email and it is after the initial conversation that involved parties attempt to conceal the topic.  Locating emails that include phrases indicating a mistake or secret can lead to other sensitive information or in best case scenarios, the "smoking gun".

Using the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform To Search Hot Emails

Hot Email Search Spreadsheet Template

We have attached an Excel template called "Hot Email Search Links Template" at the bottom of this page. You can download that spreadsheet to search for 'hot doc' phases specifically. By enabling searches to be produced from a spreadsheet link, much time can be saved in a large review. Within the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform, the document sets returning from search results can be mass tagged to Responsive, privilege, Hot Doc or any established custom document field with multi-doc edit. Finally, when the documents are opened in the document viewer from the search results, you will be able to see search terms highlighted in the 'Hits' and 'Text' tabs.  

To execute each search, simply login to the case in LEP, download the "Hot Emails Search Links Template" and click on the Search Theme link.  The results will automatically populate directly on the Search page in LEP.  

How to Set Up Saving & Sharing Searches

Another great tool available under the Search page is the 'Shared & Saved' searches. A list of all the searches are automatically saved in the database whenever you enter a keyword and click on the ‘Search’ button in the Search text box. It will also allow you to pin and share the most used searches, delete existing records or  'Cancel'.

Shared. You can view the searches shared with you under this section. To share or unshare your own searches with users in the current case click on the 'Edit' button, and then when the Shared/Pinned Searches dialog box appears check or uncheck the 'shared' icon check-box. Please note that this option will share your searches with all current users that have access to the case.

Pinned. Click on the ‘Edit’ hyperlink, select a recent search by the title and then use the check-box under the pin symbol to pin searches. Finally, click 'OK' to save these changes or 'Cancel' to not save any changes made. The pin icon will move the selected recent search up to the ‘Pinned’ section. 

Recent. It shows the search history applied.  The screen displays the five most recent searches, but if you click on the ‘Edit’  hyperlink a full list of searches are displayed.