Finding Previously Produced Documents

This technical note provides step-by-step instructions on how to find documents that have been produced in the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP).

Show the Bates Field in Browse or Search pages. This field indicates the current Bates range applied to documents.

The user may also apply filters by Bates Prefix (e.g. UL), Bates range, and Production Title. 

As a result, the main table will only show documents produced for a specific Bates range.

Production Job.  The Bates Number for any document is stored within the Production Job page.  The set of documents may be downloaded multiple times.  If a production is not deleted, the page will retain the Bates number each document had when the production was first created.

Click the production Title link to open the Production Job (set of production documents) in Browse. 

Document Viewer (one document at a time). The Disc tab has a section called Document Id, that displays the current Bates applied to the document that is opened in the Document Viewer.  The Bates shown on the Browse, Search, and Document Viewer pages reflects the Bates Number assigned on the most recent production.

Retaining Bates Numbers from Previous Productions         

The Bates Range of documents in a Production Job and Privileged documents withheld, is not determined until the job is completed. It is a common practice to have different Bates prefixes for associated productions to allow independence of Bates ranges.      

Further Assistance

Professional Services (billable hourly) provides support for Project Management.