Production Job

Location: Discovery >> Production Job


Users can access the Production Job page from the Discovery menu to prepare a discovery production, Bates Stamp documents, and prepare the production for sharing with opposing parties via drive, CD, or private link for parties that do not have access to the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP).  To submit a new production job for handling by Professional Services, please fill out the form located at the bottom of this page and email to

**Note** If a document is included in a production and then later deleted from the case, that document will still be included in the production when the production is downloaded.

Creating a New Production Job

*Note* Production Jobs can also be created on the Browse page via the Production menu. Visit Browse/Search to learn more.

In a case without any existing productions:

In a case where there are existing productions:

Click Create New Production

This opens a new production job, and the user must fill out all of the production job fields.

Continue from an Existing Bates Range

To identify the production range you wish to continue, click on the desired Bates prefix to see a list of corresponding productions. Create Production button that shows you what the next starting Bates number will be if you select it. Clicking it will create a new production job with that particular prefix and starting Bates number. It will auto-populate the fields in the Options section including load file fields, to maintain continuity between the current and last production run with that Bates prefix.

A detailed explanation of each field within the Details, Options, and Results sections is as follows:


Title. Unique Production Name (dynamic hyperlink). Clicking on the production hyperlink, will redirect the user to the Browse page, displaying only the set of documents in that production.

Run By. Indicates which user clicked on the Run button and produced the files.  This will be blank if the production has not been run yet.

Date Time Run. Indicates when the production was run.

Produced Doc Count.  Number of documents produced. Excludes documents withheld for privilege.

Withheld Doc Count.  Number of documents added to the production job that were coded as privileged and thus withheld from being produced.

Produced Partially Privileged Doc Count:  Number of documents added to the production job that were coded as Privileged: Needs Redaction. The redacted versions of these documents will be produced and automatically added to the Privilege Log.

Comments. Include any other notes or comments that will be helpful in organizing or administering the production.

Shared. Allow users without access to LEP to download the Production. Users can set a password and an expiration date for the share link


Bates Prefix. The Bates prefix can be letters or numbers and will appear to the left of the indicated Bates number.

Bates Base. The starting number, e.g. 1, for a new production or the next sequential Bates number for a production that is a continuation of a previous production.

Number of Digits. The total number of digits, including all leading zeros, of the Bates number (e.g., 7 digits = 0000001). Users can set as few as six digits or as many as ten.

Custom Designation. The custom designation (Highly Confidential, AEO, etc.) will be displayed only on the pages of those documents that are tagged using the built-in field Custom Designation.

Bates Stamp Page. Checking this box will automatically apply Bates numbers to each page in the production. Bates numbers are generated as part of running the production. Note that if a user chooses to deselect the 'Bates Stamp Pages' option, any documents which have been coded as 'Confidential' will still be stamped as such.

Production Type. Choose between Standard PDF production or Standard Plus TIFF.  The two choices will result in the exact same production, except the latter will also include TIFF images of all pages in the production. The TIFF production might be 2 to 5 times bigger than Standard Productions and can take considerably longer to run and download.

Include Native Emails.  This option should generally only be selected pursuant to an ESI Order requiring the inclusion of native emails. Typically, native emails are not required. There is a greater risk of inadvertent disclosure of privileged information when native emails are produced.  Do not routinely check this option.  If this option is not selected, a PDF rendering of the email will be included instead of the native part, unless it is redacted, in which case the redacted version will be used. 

*Preventing Inadvertent Disclosure Of Confidential Information via Emails and Container Files*

The LEP production includes native attachments to emails and natives expanded from Zip and other supported container files. These will be found in the Originals folder. However, the Originals folder will not include native emails unless the Include Native Emails option is selected as discussed above.  Best practice is to omit the production of native emails. This is done to ensure that native versions of privileged, work product or redacted documents nested inside of container files are not inadvertently produced. 

In such cases where native email files must be produced, select the Include Native Emails option.

Sort By. Users can choose how they would like their productions organized. The default option will order and Bates the documents in ascending order by Doc Title.  Users may also choose to order their productions by Master Date, Source File Path, or Custodian. If the Custodian option is selected, a Sub Sort order will have to be selected. The Sub Sort options are: Default (Doc Title), Master Date, and Source File Path. Productions can also be sorted using a Custom Text Field. Contact Professional Services to perform this service.  

Load File Fields/Default Load File. If desired, users can customize the fields that appear on their production load files. A default selection of fields (the "Default Fields" or "Default Load File") is selected automatically. To edit the Default Load File, click the "Default Load File" button, and then add or remove any of the built-in and/or custom fields available in the case. Please note, there are several fields that will always be included on production load files ("Required Fields") regardless of whether they're selected or not. The Required Fields and Default Fields are noted in the below chart.


Produced. The total number of documents produced.

Produced Partially Privileged. Total number of documents produced with privilege related redactions. These document have also been added to the Privilege Log.

Withheld. Total files marked Privilege and/or Work Product.  Privilege and Work Product files are not included in the Production output. These documents will contain a Bates Range following the documents produced. These files can be downloaded by clicking the three white vertical dots in the upper right corner and selecting "Download Withheld Files."

Total. The sum of documents Produced and Withheld.

Adding Documents to a Production Job from the Browse and Search Pages

Adding Documents to a Production Job

Production Validation

Validation Steps

Partial Email Family. Checks for partial families and will generate a warning if any are present. 

Privileged: Needs Redaction Withheld Status. Checks that the type of privilege (i.e. Attorney-Client and/or Work Product) is also selected for documents marked as Privileged: Needs Redaction. To avoid this issue, the Privileged: Needs Redaction coding option is not available until the type of privilege has been selected; however, should that fail, this validation step will identify that issue.

Privileged: Needs Redaction Status. Checks that a redacted version of the document exists for those coded as Privileged: Needs Redaction.

Personal Information: Needs Redaction Status. Checks that a redacted version of the document exists for documents with this coding. 

Redacted Pdf. Checks that a redacted version of the document exists for those noted as Redacted in the database.

Document Responsiveness. Checks that no documents in the production are coded as Not Specified or Needs Further Review.

Non-Email Responsiveness. Ensures that any document not belonging to an email family isn't marked Non-Responsive.

Email Family Responsiveness. Checks that Responsiveness coding is consistent across all documents within each email family.

Email Family Attorney-Client Privilege. Checks that Attorney-Client Privilege coding is consistent across all documents within each family.

Email Family Attorney Work Product. Checks that Attorney Work Product coding is consistent across all documents within each family.

Document Page Count. Identifies documents more than 500 pages in length, which may lead to extended processing times.

Validated. Confirms that all validation steps are complete, which will allow users to proceed with running the production.

Running the Production

Running a Production

Downloading the Production

Sharing Productions

Productions can be shared by clicking the shared link and copying the URL or web address from the Shared Production Link page and pasting into an email to be sent to the party requesting the production. The email recipient will be able to download the production (zip file) to a location on his/her computer.  See Share Production for more information.  

A production download can also be password-protected, and the shared link can be assigned an expiration date.  If the link is password protected, then the downloading party will be required to enter the password before the download can be initiated. If no password is added to the download link, the recipient can click "Download" without entering a password.

Sharing Productions

Accessing Production Jobs

Option 1

Click on the applicable production job card on the left side of the page to open the job. 

Option 2 

Click on the kebab in the upper right corner and select View All Bates Ranges. This will open an expandable list of all productions in the case sorted by Bates prefix. You can click on a specific Bates prefix to see all production jobs with that prefix, or, you can expand the list and scroll to locate the desired production. Once located in the list, click on it to open.

View All Bates Ranges

Exporting a List of Productions

Click on the kebab in the upper right corner, and select Export All Production Jobs. This will export to Excel a list of all the details and options associated with each production job.

Deleting Productions

Delete any productions that are not needed to reduce overall storage cost by using the Delete option. To delete a production, click on the kebab in the production job card, and select delete as shown in the image to the right.

Deleting a Production Job

Production Output

The downloaded production will contain either four or five sub-folders depending on whether it is a Standard production or a Standard plus TIFF production. The production will contain files that can be loaded on a variety of platforms. This includes multiple versions of the load files. Specific ESI orders should address whether or not all the files are needed. Below is a list of each folder contained in the downloaded production. 

IMAGES: The IMAGES folder will only be generated from a Standard plus TIFF production. All images are 300 DPI.

LOADFILES: Collection of plain text files used to apply metadata, Bates numbers, and other information to documents uploaded into a review platform. In a large production where the set of documents is split into separate volumes compressed into the same ZIP file, the sub-folder LOADFILES can be in any of the Zip file volumes.  This folder will contain .DAT, .OPT, .XLSX, .DII, .TSV, and .TXT files. See Load Files for more information.  

ORIGINALS: Folder designated for all the native files (Word, Excel, JPG, PNG, etc.). Practices vary on production of these, ranging from none, to including all, and many versions in between.  Refer to the ESI order for the requirements of the specific production.

PDF: PDF version of the files also included in Standard plus TIFF productions. This sub-folder also includes placeholders of files that could not be converted.

TEXT: The text folder includes extracted/OCRed text of documents and is needed for proper indexing in some review systems.

Filtering on Previously Produced Documents

To view documents in one or more productions, filter on the Production Job field from the Browse or Search pages. 

To exclude previously produced documents when creating a new production, add the Production Job field to the Advanced Filter, choose Select All, and then choose 'is not' from the options dropdown. 

Filtering on Previously Produced Documents

Producing Redacted Documents

Only the redacted versions of documents are automatically included in the productions under the ORIGINALS, PDF, and TEXT sub-folders. Please note that metadata is currently not part of Lexbe's redaction features. As such, any privileged or confidential metadata will need to be addressed prior to production.

Using the Custom Designation Tag During Productions

Please note, coding documents only using the Confidential and Responsive tags during productions or downloads will only display the Bates number and the word Confidential at a page level. 

Bates Number Order (Including Downloading from a Briefcase)

LEP automatically applies Bates numbers first to the group of documents to be produced and then to the withheld group (anything Privileged and/or Work-Product). Within each category, the documents are sorted by Title. 

If uploads were done by named batch, users can run productions one at a time, by batch, to achieve the goal of grouping by batch for Bates numbering.  See Bates Number Order for more information about how to control the Bates ordering.

Bates numbering as part of a production is done on the basis of the Doc Date with email attachments to MSGs, if any, nested after the email, and Bates numbers are applied sequentially.  For documents without dates, Bates numbers are applied using the document Title order.

Bates stamped documents are printed in this order:

Bates Stamping Rates

Bates stamping of PDF files in LEP can generally be done at approximately the rate of one GB/hr (usually about 15,000 pages/hr) to produce a Zip file with Bates-stamped documents at the page level. This rate can vary quite a bit based on individual document characteristics. Users should be cautioned that bates stamping very large PDFs can create delays in the processing. It can take over a day to process and bates number a document that is over 20,000 pages. Documents of this size are not generally recommended for uploading into the platform, and should be split up into smaller documents to the extent possible to avoid these delays. 

Additionally, partially corrupted PDF files can delay or stall Bates stamping and productions. Running multiple productions at a time will not speed the process (and can sometimes slow it), so only one production at a time should be run. After the production completes, a Zip file link will appear on the Case->Download Case Documents page. Downloading will take additional time depending on local Internet download speed. Given these variables, we recommend building in an additional day or two of cushion before production deadlines on large productions.  After checking the production, a shared download link can be made available for opposing counsel to save time.

For large Bates stamping projects, Professional Services can bring additional resources to help for orders of magnitude for faster processing. For information or cost quotes, call or email  

Privilege Logs

Generating a Privilege Log

Once a production has been run, follow the below steps to generate a Privilege Log.

Export Privilege Log

Downloading or Deleting a Privilege Log

Once processing of the log completes, repeat above steps 1 through 3 to download or delete the Privilege Log.

Download Privilege Log