Review Sets
(Formerly Manage Review Sets, Review Batch, and Review Tracking)
Location: Discovery>>Review Sets
This page now includes all functionality from the now deprecated Manage Review Sets, Review Batch, and Review Tracking pages. As before, access to each of these features is dependent on the user's permissions. A Review Set contains documents that have been identified for review. Review Sets can only be created, edited, and deleted by Account Admins. Review Sets allow multiple reviewers to work in the same set of documents without reviewing over one another.
Review Set Insights
Aside from Account Administrators, Review Sets are not available to other users until the Account Administrator clicks the "Start Review" button.
The name of the Review Set can be edited by the Account Admin at any time.
When the Account Admin clicks the "Start Review: button:
The Review Set will be made available to other users in the case
The Sort for that Review Set can no longer be edited and no more documents can be added
Review Sets are added, edited, or deleted one at a time.
When the last document in a Review Set has been reviewed the Review Sets page will display "Review Complete" next to the Review Set name.
Creating Review Sets (Account Administrators Only)
1. Click on the Discovery menu at the top of the screen and select "Review Sets."
2. Click + Add Review Set in the upper right corner.
3. In the Create Review Set window, enter the Review Set Name and select a Review Order (Master Date and Source File Path are the current sort options). Note: Document families are always kept together during review with the parent being immediately followed by any children regardless of the chosen sort.
Master Date will provide documents for review in chronological order.
Source File Path is tailored toward non-email files that were in heavily nested folders on disk. This option will provide documents for review based on their file path.
4. Click "Create Review Set" to save.
Adding Documents to Review Sets (Account Administrators Only)
1. Once the review set has been created, navigate to the Browse page.
2. Filter to the documents to be added to the review set using the Filter menu, Search or a combination thereof. For information on using the Filter menu, please see the Browse/Search Help Page.
3. Select documents individually, or use the Select dropdown menu to select "Page" (selects all documents currently displayed), or "All" (selects all documents currently available on the Browse screen).
4. Once selected, expand the Review Sets menu on the left side of the screen and select the desired Review Set from the dropdown menu.
5. A confirmation window with an "Expand to Entire Email Family" checkbox will appear. Check the box to add the selected documents plus all family members to the Review Set, or uncheck it to only add the selected documents. Regardless of the below, this checkbox can be checked or unchecked as needed.
If the Paperclip is enabled when adding documents to a Review Set, the "Expand to Entire Email Family" checkbox will be checked by default.
If the Paperclip is not enabled, the "Expand to Entire Email Family" checkbox will be unchecked by default.
6. Click OK to add the documents to the Review Set.
**NOTE: Documents cannot be removed from a review set once added. If documents are added that do not need to be reviewed, the user should create a new review set and add only the necessary documents.
Selecting Documents to Add to a Review Set
Adding Documents to a Review Set
Activating Review Sets for Review (and Editing and Deleting Review Set Options) (Account Administrators Only)
Once the documents have been added to the review set per the instructions above, navigate back to the Discovery >> Review Sets page and locate the review set with the newly added documents. To the far right of the review set, there are three buttons: (1) Blue Pencil Icon: Edit the Review Set title and change the sort option; (2) Green Circled Arrow: Activate the review set to make it available for review; and (3) Trash Can: Delete the review set.
NOTE: The Account Administrator must click the green circled arrow (see screen shot above) to make the review set accessible to the reviewers.
Accessing Documents for Review
1. Review Sets that have been made available by the Account Admin will be displayed on the Review Sets page in alphanumeric order.
2. To begin reviewing, click "Start" on the left side of the screen next to the name of the corresponding Review Set. The first document will populate in the doc viewer, and the user may begin their review.
WARNING: Users who intend to access the review set to review the documents should NOT click the review set Name. Clicking on the name will take the user outside of the review set and the set will no longer keep track of the documents being reviewed.
Important Review Insights
Lexbe's Review Sets page provides a continuous batching feature. Users can review as many or as few documents as they want without having to repeatedly check batches in and out from a review set.
Documents are automatically batched out one family at a time as the user reviews.
Once a document family is coded and saved, the family is automatically checked in and the next family batched out. This process continues until all documents in the review set have been reviewed. As such, multiple reviewers can work through a single review set without reviewing the same document multiple times.
A user's review history is available by expanding the panel on the left side of the screen (click the double arrow in the lower left corner). Users can move back to these documents as needed throughout their review by clicking on the hyperlinked document title. As illustrated in the image below, the review history will indicate if there are any coding inconsistences among members of an email family that may impact a future document production.
Coding Documents in the Review Set (See the Image directly above)
1. Once the reviewer has accessed the review set and is presented with a document for review, coding can be applied in the Coding panel on the right side of the document viewer.
2. Once the document has been coded click "Save" (Alt + S) (or "Save, Propagate & Continue" or "Save & Continue") to save coding and advance to the next document.
3. After clicking the Save option, the user will be presented with either the next member of the email family, or a new document or family to review.
If the document is not part of a family, then it will be checked in and the next document checked out.
If the document is part of a family, you'll advance to the next family member belonging to the review set, and then the family will be checked in once coded in its entirety.
4. When the next document is displayed, the reviewer can code the new document or apply the same coding as the previous document (if desired) by clicking the blue Apply previous coding changes button.
5. As documents are reviewed a history of those documents will populate in the left panel. This panel provides the following functionality:
The Reviewed Documents list provides hyperlinks to the last 30 (more when email families are present) documents reviewed by that user in that review set. Click on a document title in the list to open it.
An icon will appear next to a document if an issue is detected that would need to be addressed as part of validating a production job . These are pre-production validation flags. These flags are informational only, and will not prevent users from continuing with their review. These flags are triggered by the following:
Inconsistent responsiveness coding across a family
Inconsistent privilege coding across a family
Missing redactions on a partially privileged document
Documents coded as Not Specified or Needs Further Review
The Reviewed Documents list will appear and continue to populate even when a user exits the review set and then returns to that review set at a later time.
This feature is only available when the Doc Viewer has been accessed via the Review Sets page.
The number of documents remaining for review are displayed for the reviewer on the upper-right-center just above the document displayed on the screen.
6. Users can exit the review at any time by clicking the X in the upper right corner beside the Save button, and they'll be returned to the Review Sets page.
Click "Continue" to resume reviewing where you left off (See image below)
Click "Stop" to check-in the document or document family that's currently displayed under the name of the Review Set. (See image below)
Keyboard Shortcuts
Previous and Next Document
Shift + Arrow left/right
Alt + s
Options ⌥ + s (Mac)
Code Non-Responsive
Alt + n
Options ⌥ + n (Mac)
Code Responsive
Alt + r
Options ⌥ + r (Mac)
Close Document Viewer or Exit Review
Navigate to document above or below in Review History
Shift + Arrow up/down
Navigate to document above or below in Review History skipping attachments
Control + Shift+ Arrow up/down
Command ⌘ + Shift+ Arrow up/down (Mac)
Review Tracking (Account Admins Only)
Review Tracking Insights
Review Tracking is only visible to Account Admins.
Account Admins can track the daily productivity of each reviewer and generate an Excel report.
Tracking reports can be built using the Doc Count, Pages, Activity, or Gigabytes options in combination with the Daily or Hourly options.
Reports generated under this page are linked to the documents marked as Reviewed ("Reviewed by Me" or "Reviewed by Others" in the Document Viewer). For a listing of the documents viewed or downloaded by any user(s) see Audit Doc Access (Admin Users only).
Review Tracker Functionality
Accessing the Review Tracker
To access the Review Tracker, click "Review Tracking" in the upper right corner of the blue bar on the Review Sets page (Fig. 1).
Click "Review Sets" to return to the Review Sets screen.
Display Options
The Table display is the default display along with the Doc Count and Daily options selected (these options generate a report showing the number of documents reviewed, per day, per reviewer).
To switch to the graph view, click "Graph" (Fig. 5).
The X axis of the graph plots the selected time interval (i.e. Daily or Hourly) of the tracking report.
The Y axis of the graph plots the volume of the selected option (i.e. Doc Count, Pages, GB, or Activity) per reviewer.
The legend on the right assigns a line color to users that have reviewed documents.
Hovering over the points of intersection on the graph will display the values for each reviewer that correspond to the selected options.
Hovering over the usernames in the legend will display the total values for each reviewer that correspond to the selected options.
To return to the Table view, click "Show Table."
Applying Filters
Filters can be applied to achieve more specific results. To apply a filter, click "+ Filters."
Filters will remain applied when Exporting, switching to the Graph view, or changing the report options.
To remove filters, refresh the page.
Generating and Exporting Reports
To generate a report, select the desired metric: Doc Count, Pages, GB, or Activity, in combination with the desired interval: Daily or Hourly (see image below).
These options will remain selected until the user leaves or refreshes the page.
Currently, the report can only be exported from the Table display. To export the report, click "Export" and save locally.
Exported values will reflect those on the screen at the time of export. As such, users can export filtered values if desired.
Review Tracking Displays