ESI Collection-Using AWS Secure Storage

Lexbe offers a cloud storage service through Amazon Web Services called Amazon S3.  Amazon S3 allows rolling collections to be stored for eventual loading to LEP, culling, processing or other Lexbe eDiscovery Services.  This service is fully secured to provide access to only you and Lexbe and can accommodate large amounts of data while significantly reducing the transfer time to Lexbe when the time comes to work with the data.

How do you access your S3 account?

The first step is to download an S3 Client utility.  We recommend using Amazon S3 Browser.  This software is free and offers a user friendly interface.  Amazon S3 Browser can be downloaded here: Amazon S3 Browser

Once this software is downloaded and opened for the first time, an "Add New Account" screen will automatically appear.  Input the Account Name, Access Key ID and Secret Access Key as previously provided to you by Lexbe.  Please make sure all other settings appear as illustrated below and then click Add New Account:

Uploading and Storing Data

Upon logging in, you will see "clientbucket" on the left hand side.  This is your main bucket in which you can create folders and sub-folders to organize your data.  We recommend naming each folder per Custodian.  Sub-folders can then be created to organize the data more specifically.

The S3 Browser interface is extremely user friendly.  The primary functions accessible will be creating new folders and uploading data, both of which have visible buttons right on the home screen.  Please see screenshot below.

Services Request

Lexbe will not receive notifications when new data has been added.  When the time comes to work with this data (culling, processing, loading into an LEP database) please email with the specific project instructions.  Please be sure to mention your S3 account name and include any specific details as to which data the project is in reference to (Custodian and/or other specific folder names).


The S3 Account credentials should be kept confidential.  Access Key IDs and Secret Keys will be updated sporadically for security purposes.  An email will be sent to the S3 Administrator contact at your firm with the new Keys and instructions on updating this information on your end.

Additional Assistance

For questions and/or additional assistance with this service, please email Lexbe Professional Services at