Manual Redaction

This section can be accessed from the Document Viewer>Doc Tab. Files can either be redacted directly in the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) or the user can upload documents already redacted to a case. This requires that the user redact the document on a computer using a local program.

NOTE: This option allows the user to upload a redacted version of PDFs, without affecting or automatically deleting the original file. If a redacted document version of the same file already exists, uploading a new redacted PDF will overwrite the existing redacted document. 

Download a Version to Redact

Open the Document Viewer of the Document to Redact. There must be a PDF displaying in the Doc tab.  Save the PDF file to local desktop (download within the Doc tab).  When complete, go to the Browse page and under Filters Select Original to Redact.  Download all to Briefcase and then save to desktop.  If not already in PDF format, convert to PDF using Acrobat Pro or another PDF utility or print driver.

Redact on local computer using Acrobat Pro version 8 or above, or other PDF redacting tools. (If using Acrobat, be sure to use redaction tools and not drawing tools, as drawing tools will not remove text layers). When complete, search for redacted terms in Acrobat reader (or Pro) to ensure they are not retained in text.   Alternatively print out, redact by hand with black marker, and re-scan to PDF. Upload the redacted file(s) to the case in LEP. The redacted version must have the same number of pages as the unredacted file. 

Upload Redacted Versions Of Files

When done redacting, upload the new redacted version directly in the Document Viewer page, Doc tab>Redaction field.  To complete this action, click on the Upload button for the applicable task and refresh the page.  Once the upload is completed the Redacted tab will display its version in the Document Viewer page, while you can still view the unredacted version from the Page, Doc and Original tabs.

NOTE: There is a 1 GB limit on the size of a redacted document uploaded in this way.  If the document is larger than 1 GB, or you have other questions, please contact Professional Services. 

Downloading Redacted or Unredacted Files

From the Document Viewer>Redacted tab, the user may download the Redacted version outside of a production within the embedded viewer using the Acrobat control icons (move the mouse cursor down to the bottom of the page-in the center). 

If under the Document Viewer>Doc tab, the user may download the Unredacted version using the Acrobat control icons.

A download from the Page tab will only display one page at a time.  The Browse and Search pages do NOT download the Document or Original file if there is a redacted document available.  Only the redacted version is downloaded from those pages.

The hyperlink Export to Briefcase located in the upper right hand corner of the Document Viewer will download both versions of the original file (Originals, Doc (full PDF) and Redacted).

Which Version Will Be In A Production?

Only the redacted version will be automatically included in productions under the ORIGINALS, PDF, and TEXT sub-folders.

Redact and Do Quality Control

Redacting Files In LEP

The user may also redact files directly in LEP by choosing the Open Redaction Editor button. See Redaction for more information.   

Searching for Personally Identifiable Information (PII)