Login Page


Enter User Name (email address) and Password.

Choose "Remember user name" to have the user name pre-filled on future visits to the login screen on the same computer.  The "Remember me next time" option is no longer used.

If a case is not available for selection, please contact the administrator of the account to confirm case access rights.  If the problem persists after confirming access rights, please contact Professional Services.

As a security precaution, after three hours of inactivity, the session will expire and the user will be logged off automatically. Click Logout to end a session immediately.

Recover Password

Click the Recover Password link to submit a request for a new password.  The new password will be sent to the User Name email address. Check the spam filter if you do not receive the password reset email.

Passwords must have at least 8 characters and one of the following:

*Capital Letter

*Number (0-9)

*Special Character (&^%$)

When copying the new password, be careful not to include any extra spaces at the end.  After successfully logging in, change the password to something more memorable here: Management >> Change Password.

As an added security feature, the user will be locked out of LEP after ten unsuccessful attempts. If this occurs, contact Professional Services to reset the password.

Supported Browsers

LEP has been tested with the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge on Windows/PC and Chrome, Safari and Firefox on the Mac.  If you have trouble logging in, please try a different browser.