Split PDFs

Extract or Remove Pages

Location:  Management >> Split PDFs


The Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) has the ability to remove pages from a PDF, and to split PDF documents into smaller independent documents. All documents in the case that have undergone splitting or page removal will be listed on this page. 

Documents can be split using the Doc Viewer, and edits can be made from this page if desired. 


Extracting or Removing Pages from Documents in the Document Viewer

1. Access the document that needs to be split from the Browse page and click the title to open the document in the Doc Viewer. 

2. Click the blue-and-white square icon in the bottom right corner of the Coding and Metadata tabs and select Split or Remove Pages. See Fig 1 below.

3. The Extract or Remove Pages section will be displayed at the bottom in the same area of the Coding/Metadata tabs. See Fig 2 below.

4. In the Pages text box, enter the page ranges for the splits with each page/rage separated by commas without spaces

5. Once the split ranges have been added, click Extract Pages to execute the function.

6. If the desire is to permanently remove the pages from the master document, then click Remove Pages instead of Extract Pages. This will remove all of the page ranges indicated in the split instructions leaving the remainder of the document intact. 

7. See below for instructions on viewing the split documents. 

Fig 1: Accessing the Split PDFs Tool in the Doc Viewer

Fig 2: Entering the Split Ranges in the Doc Viewer

Viewing Extracted or Split Documents

Extracted/Split documents can be viewed from the Split PDFs page, or from the left panel in the Document Viewer

View from the Split PDFs Page (See Fig 3. Below)

1. Go to the Management tab and select Split PDFs

2. If the document has been split, it will appear on this page. Locate the document with the splits/extractions you want to view, and click View Documents.

3. The list of individually split documents will appear. Select a document from the list to view it. 

View from the Document Viewer (See Fig. 4. Below)

1. Select the main document from the Split PDFs page by clicking the Document link.

2. Once the document displays in the Doc Viewer, click the Browse Documents dropdown on the left, and select Extracted Pages

3. Each of the individually split documents will then appear in the list. Toggle through each to review accordingly. 

Fig 3: Viewing Split Docs from the Split PDFs Page

Fig 4: Viewing Split Docs from the Document Viewer

Editing and Re-running Splits

Once a document has been split, it is possible to edit and re-run the spilt instructions. While additional splitting and page removal tasks can be done from the Doc Viewer, they can also be done from this page. Instructions to create and run additional split/removal tasks directly from this page are as follows:

1. Next to the desired document, click Edit and Run to edit the instructions (be sure to not include any spaces between commas, or the document will fail to split).

Example Page Removal Instructions

Instructions: 1,3,6-10

Split Method:  Remove Pages

Result: A new PDF is generated with pages 1, 3, and 6-10 removed.

Example Split Instructions

Instructions: 1,3,6-10

Split Method:  Extract Pages

Result: Three new PDFs are generated, the first is Page 1 of the original document, the second is Page 3, and the third are Pages 6-10.

**When splitting or removing pages from a PDF the original document is not affected and remains available in the case.

2. Select a function (i.e. Extract Pages or Remove Pages)

3. Click Run Task.

4. The documents will be split according to the indicated breaks, and the original document will not be affected. Click on "View Documents" to access links to all split documents. The link to the original document is located in the "Document" column.

Completed Split Task