Manage Users

Location: Account >> Manage Users

Account Administrators have full control over an account's settings and users. Account Administrators can also remove other administrators and users from cases or the account, and only Account Administrators can alter user permissions. 

Creating New Users in an Account

By default, users are assigned a "Standard" user type when added to an account; however, this can be updated anytime by following the steps in the next section.

 Assigning a User Type and Adding and Removing Case Access

Managing Case Access and User Type

Available User Types and User Type Definitions

Please note: These permission levels/user types are fixed, but if the Admin Account user would like to explore additional features being added to a permission level, or a specific user, this can be discussed by reaching out to your eDiscovery Solutions Director. 

Account Administrator

The Account Admin User has full control over an account and access to all features in LEP. Account Admin Users have the following Tabs and functions available in LEP:

Power User

The Power User can do everything an Account Admin User can do except for user administration, creating and deleting cases, and creating and managing review sets. Power Users have the following Tabs and functions available in LEP:

Standard User + Add Delete Docs

The Standard plus Add Delete Doc user has all the rights of the Standard User AND can also upload or permanently delete documents. Standard Users Plus have the following Tabs and functions available in LEP:

Standard User

This is the standard user for a document reviewer/coder. The Standard User can access cases and perform a number of tasks available in LEP, but cannot, upload case documents, manage custom doc fields, or permanently delete documents.  Standard Users have the following Tabs and functions available in LEP:

Review User

A Review User can only use the Document Viewer pages and has a limited view of review coding fields. A Review User cannot use the Search function or bulk download documents using the briefcase function. Review Users have the following tabs available in LEP:

Read-Only User

A Read-Only user can view the same pages as a Standard User, but cannot make changes to anything.  Nothing in the case will change as a result of Read-Only User actions. Read-Only Users have the following Tabs and functions available in LEP for viewing only:

Limited User

A Limited User can only see certain documents from the Browse page that were assigned by a Custom Coded Shared Checkbox Field. Limited Users will only be able to see the documents chosen for review by the Account Admin and will not be able to code or search within those documents. Limited Users have the following tabs and functions available in LEP:

Limited Users  -VS-  Separate Cases

Pros of Limited User

Cons of Limited User


Pros of Adding a Separate Case to your Account

Cons of Adding a Separate Case to your Account