Release Notes

Future Additions

We regularly add new functionality to the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP).  One of the advantages of the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model is that we can make ongoing improvements without requiring users to download and re-install software. Improvements are prioritized based on user feedback. Please let us know what you would like to see by contacting or your eDiscovery Solutions Director.

May 5, 2024

New Doc Viewer Update

As part of the release schedule for Lexbe's new Doc Viewer, the new Doc Viewer will now be visible by default when opened. The old Doc Viewer will remain available via the settings option.  Please watch our training video for an overview of the new Doc Viewer:  New Document Viewer Training 

New Doc Viewer Release Schedule

April 7, 2024

New Doc Viewer

Lexbe has released it's new and improved Doc Viewer! The old Doc Viewer remains the default, but users can switch to the new Doc Viewer to try it out. The release schedule for the Doc Viewer is below.

Location: To access the new Document Viewer, click on a document in the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) from the Browse/Search page. Click  the *Try New Doc Viewer* option in the upper left corner. To return to the old Doc Viewer, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner, click Switch back to old Doc Viewer.

New Doc Viewer Release Schedule

December 3, 2023

Lexbe CoPilot

CoPilot is Lexbe's AI Assistant and is located in  the Document Viewer under the Smart tab. It has been implemented to provide users with a tool that can significantly improve the efficiency and ease of the review process. This includes assistance with creating search terms, identifying PII, summarizing documents, and determining responsiveness.

Visit the Smart Tab/CoPilot help page to learn more.

Third Party Applications

This page is located under the Management menu. From this page, users can manage their access to integrations available in Lexbe. Current integrations include OpenAI and Clio.

Visit the Third Party Applications help page to learn more.

Upload Documents From Clio

Users can now upload documents directly from their Clio account. To use this feature, users will link their Clio account to Lexbe, select the "Third-Party Upload" option when adding case documents, select the desired folders in Clio, and then click Upload. 

Visit the Clio help page to learn more.

August 13, 2023

Documents Displayed on Browse Now Listed in Doc Viewer


Documents displayed on the Browse page are also now available in a collapsible panel in the Doc Viewer. 

What's Changed:

What Hasn't Changed:

July 15, 2023

Pre-Production Validation Flags


Identify and address potential production validation issues early during review. Lexbe now provides warnings in a user's review history for issues that will trigger a validation warning when validating a production job. Warning flags include:

What's Changed:

What Hasn't Changed:

Check out the Review Sets help pages to learn more.

Partially Privileged Documents


Documents produced with privilege related redactions are now automatically added to the Privilege Log using Lexbe's built-in coding fields. Users can code documents with the applicable privilege coding as well as Privileged: Needs Redaction, and the redacted document will be produced and automatically added to the Privilege Log. 

What's Changed:

What Hasn't Changed:

Check out the Production Job and Document Viewer  help pages to learn more.

Combined Browse and Search Pages


Identify and review relevant documents more efficiently by searching directly on the Browse page. All search functionality is now available on Browse allowing users to search without having to switch between the two pages. 

What's Changed:

What Hasn't Changed:

Check out the Browse/Search help page to learn more.

June 18, 2023

Update to Coding Options


A Same as Last option has been added to the coding panel. This option allows users to apply the coding changes from the last reviewed document to the current document, and is located under the Auto Advance and Propagate Coding checkboxes.

What's Changed:

What Hasn't Changed:

Check out the Review Sets help page to learn more.

May 21, 2023

Updates to Keyboard Shortcuts


Additional navigational and coding keyboard shortcuts have been added to ease review.

What's Changed:

What Hasn't Changed:

Check out the Review Sets help page to learn more.

February 26, 2023

Improvements to Review Sets

Document Review History

A list of documents will now populate in a new column on the left as they're reviewed in the Doc Viewer when accessed via the Review Sets page. Each document is hyperlinked and can be revisited while in the Doc.

What's Changed:

What Hasn't Changed:

Check out the Review Sets help page to learn more.

January 7, 2023

Improvements to Productions

Customizing Production Load Files

Users can now customize production load files!

What's changed:

What hasn't changed:

November 6, 2022

Improvements to Review Sets

Review Sets and Family Expansion

Users can now choose whether a review set expands to include all family members.

What's changed:

What hasn't changed:

Export Your Translated Documents

Exporting Translated Documents

Translated versions of documents are now included in briefcase exports.

What's changed:

What hasn't changed:

October 23, 2022

Improvements to Split PDF Workflow

Split and/or Remove Pages From the Doc Viewer

Users can now split and/or remove pages from a document, and view the resulting documents directly from the Doc Viewer

What's changed:

What hasn't changed:

September 11, 2022

Improvements to the Search Term Report Feature

Auto-Tagging of Search Term Report Hits

Lexbe now automatically tags documents returned by Search Term Reports ("STR") so they can be filtered on in the Browse and Search screens.  Here is what's changed:

Viewing Unique Hits

Using Lexbe's filter, users can now view the Unique Hits for terms in an STR. Follow the above steps to filter on a specific term, then check the Unique Hits box before clicking OK.

Processing Notification Improvements

Lexbe now offers real time insight into the processing that's occurring in your case!  Here's what you can expect:

August 28, 2022

Privilege Logs have Moved!

The Privilege Log feature is now part of the Production Job page. Here is what's changed:

Learn more by visiting the Production Job Help page.

July 30, 2022

The Manage Folders Page has Moved!

Changes to this page are as follows:

Learn more by visiting the Shared Features (Browse & Search) Help page.

July 24, 2022

Automatic Processing of Additional File Types

Lexbe now supports the automatic processing of PDF Portfolios and Google Mbox files. No preprocessing needed!

July 10, 2022

Improvements Made to Lexbe's Uploader

Changes to this page are as follows:

Learn more by visiting the Add Case Docs Help page.

June 17, 2022

Split PDFs Page Updated

Changes to this page are as follows:

Learn more by visiting the Split PDFs Help page.

Manage Billing Page Improved

The Manage Billing page now gives Account Administrators the ability to see their current GB usage. Just click the toggle switch in the upper right corner to display the current usage for the selected account.

Learn more by visiting the Manage Billing Help page.

May 29, 2022

Add Case Documents Page Updated

Changes to this page include:

Learn more by visiting the Add Case Documents Help page.

May 7, 2022

Review Sets Has Moved

This page lives under the Discovery menu, and includes the following:

Learn more by visiting the Review Sets Help page.

Case Keywords Has Moved

This feature is now located in the Case Details section of the Main Case Display. The Case Keywords page has been deprecated with this release.

Learn more by visiting the Case Details Help page.

March 27, 2022

User Survey

User Survey Now Available!

Help guide the development of Lexbe by taking our survey! This survey is located on the Case Dashboard once you log into Lexbe.

Take the survey as many times as you'd like, and answer only those questions that you want (but we hope you answer all of them!). The content of the survey will likely change over time, and we'll update our users when that occurs. In the meantime, we look forward to hearing from you!

Manage Custom Doc Fields Page Updated

Changes include:

Learn more by visiting the Manage Custom Doc Fields Help page.

Manage Custom Case Fields Page Updated

Changes include:

Learn more by visiting the Manage Custom Case Fields Help page.

Fixed! Issue Downloading Briefcases from Shared Links Under Certain Conditions

A bug that prevented the downloading of briefcases from a share link when a comma was present in the Briefcase Job Title has been fixed! Users can now have commas in their Briefcase Job Title without running into any download issues. 

March 14, 2022

Separator Sheets now Included in Merged PDF Option for Briefcases

The Merge PDF option will now add a separator sheet between each document automatically. Learn more by visiting the Download Briefcase Help Page.

Link Documents to Facts Directly from the Facts & Issues Page

The ability to link documents to a Fact directly from the Facts & Issue page was included with this release. This can be done by searching the document Title within the Edit Fact window. Users may also associate a specific page from the linked document if desired. Learn more by visiting the Facts & Issues Help Page.

Fixed! Bug Preventing the Download of Productions from Shared Links Under Certain Conditions

A bug that prevented the downloading of productions from a share link when a comma was present in the Production Job Title has been fixed! As such, the presence of  commas in a Production Job Title will no longer cause an issue when downloading from a share link.

February 27, 2022

Download Briefcase Page Updated

The Download Briefcase page was updated with this release. Please note, some existing functionality has been relocated within the page. These changes are detailed below, and can also be found by visiting the Download Briefcase Help Page.

Manage Cases Page Updated

The Manage Cases page was updated with this release. Please note, all details regarding monthly GB usage have been removed from this page. This information can now be found on the Manage Billing page. Visit our Help Pages to learn more:  Manage Cases  and  Manage Billing 

February 13, 2022

Addition of a Manage Billing Page

Account Administrators can now access GB usage figures for all of their accounts in one place. The Manage Billing page displays a summary of GB usage for the past four months, and users can also export a billing report from the page that contains a breakdown of usage on a per case basis for the account. Visit our Help Page to learn more: Manage Billing 

Improved Facts & Issues Page

The Facts & Issues page has been retooled to provide a horizontal timeline of the case's facts. This is only the initial release of this page as Lexbe plans to release additional improvements and functionality during 2022. Visit our Help Page to learn more: Facts & Issues 

Improvements to OpenSearch

For those utilizing the OpenSearch search engine, this release included an update for complex proximity searches. Visit our Help Page for additional information: Search - OpenSearch 

November 7, 2021

Improved Production Validation

Users no longer need to manually click through validation step prior to running a production. All validation steps are now handled on the Production Job page, and run automatically once initiated. Once initiated, validation will only pause to notify users if it has identified an error that needs to be addressed. 

Updated Manage Users Page

The Manage Users page has been switched over to Lexbe's new framework, and ease of use changes have been implemented.

September 12, 2021

Auto Redaction

Lexbe has added Auto Redaction! Located under the Analysis menu in Lexbe, this tool allows users to automatically redact content from large sets of documents in just a few clicks. Use any of Lexbe's built-in presets to automatically redact PII like Social Security Numbers, Dates of Birth, or Email Addresses (just to name a few), or, users can create their own customized plain-text or regular expression rules to fit their specific needs. The possibilities are endless, and it's a guaranteed time saver!   

August 29, 2021

Production Jobs

Lexbe has updated its Production Job page! This is the first step towards integrating the Production Job and Production Validation pages and adding additional functionality. While this update is mostly aesthetic to end users, the option to automatically continue Bates numbering based on the last Bates number of the most recent production available in the case. Check it out for yourself!