Certified Deletion of Customer ESI

Certified Deletion of Customer ESI

Our clients sometimes inquire regarding deletion procedures for stored ESI and confirmation that data was deleted in accordance with industry best practices.   At a client’s request, we offer a Certificate of Customer ESI Deletion.  This specifies our deletion procedures from our Amazon Web Services (AWS) US-based data center, including within 30 days following the end of the month of the deletion instruction date, certification that Customer ESI has been deleted by removing access, obfuscation or otherwise removing effective access in accordance with AWS data storage infrastructure capabilities and industry best practices for cloud-based stored data.

Example Certification

Certifications can only be executed by signature of the CEO or CTO of Lexbe, LC.

The Certificate is prepared on request at the standard hourly billing rates by contacting professionalservices@lexbe.com or calling 800-401-4710 or by contacting your eDiscovery Solutions Director.