Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard commands allow users to efficiently use their computer without a mouse speeding up the review process.
How To Use Keyboard Shortcuts
When clicking the Title of a document, the Document Viewer page will open the full document view, and also a listing of up to 25 of the documents displayed in the Browse view. Code the first of the 25 documents listed, and then use the shortcuts listed in the table (below). For example, to move to the next document instead of clicking on the Save and Auto-Advance checkbox, use the keyboard shortcut Alt+S.
Keyboards and Mouse Shortcuts
See the table below for a list of keyboard and mouse shortcuts inline with the Document Viewer page, as used in Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer (IE10), and Safari as used in Windows. LEP supports the two most recent browser versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox for the Windows and Safari and Firefox for the Mac.
Operating System
The keyboard and shortcuts can vary depending on the operating system used. For example, on Mac OS X the Cmd key is the '⌘' symbol, as opposed to Windows that uses the Ctrl key. In Windows, Alt key could be either Cmd or Opt keys in Mac OS X.