Document Viewer

Location: To access the Document Viewer, click on a document in the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) from the Search, Browse or Facts & Issues pages. 


Use the Document Viewer to view case documents in Original/Native (if available), HTML, PAGE, PDF or TEXT formats. Users may also code, redact, or annotate documents as well as create notes and add case facts in the Document Viewer.

**We are making significant UI updates to our Document Viewer. The new Document Viewer will be implemented in phases which are below. Additionally, we encourage you to watch the short training video below which provides an overview of the new design.

New Doc Viewer Release Schedule

New Document Viewer Training

Lexbe Help Video - Document Viewer.mp4

Document Viewer Page Layout 

The Browse page shows all the documents uploaded in the current case and will display as few as 10 or as many as 200 document links at a time. The number of documents available for review in the Document Viewer depends on the number of documents the user has displayed in the Browse or Search screens. Access the Document Viewer by clicking the hyperlinked title in the Browse or Search screen. 

This will open a full version of the file in the browser with up to eleven different document views available. Additionally, from the Document Viewer users can enter and edit document coding and data, apply review tagging, redactions, and annotations, and add and edit notes and facts. 

Show or Hide the Side Panel in the Document Viewer

When the user opens any document in the Document Viewer, there is a panel on the right that includes the DISC, DOC, NOTES, FACTS, and RELATED tabs. Users can choose to display or hide this panel when viewing documents. To hide the panel click the case name in the upper right corner of the screen, and select Hide.


The Document Viewer is divided between a document view on the left and a coded data view on the right. The document view can include up to eleven tabs (views) as shown in the image below.  The Original, Translated, Redacted, Annotated and Compare tabs are data dependent and will be grayed out if documents fitting those categories are absent (i.e. no Originals/Natives).  The Hits tab is only available when accessed from Search results.  

See the individual links for more information on a specific tab.  

HITS. Highlights the number of times a word appears on each indexed page of the document when the document is opened from Search results.

ORIGINAL. View document in native format (e.g., Word, Excel, etc.) using Microsoft Office or other native applications opened on a local computer. PDF files and TIFF collections (originals) can be displayed without installing additional software. 

HTML. View the extracted text version of the original documents without using applications outside LEP. This view will not have page breaks, OCR, and is not a print-formatted version. 

PAGE. View paginated documents (multi-page PDFs and TIFFs) one page at a time. This can be faster for viewing large documents.

PDF. View all the pages of the document in a PDF format.

TEXT. View the indexed text of a document. This includes OCR text from scanned documents and extracted text from native documents. 

PRODUCED.  View documents that have been produced as part of a standard document production generated in LEP. The document will appear exactly as produced to opposing counsel including any redactions applied with the Redaction Editor and any Bates numbering applied when running the document production.    

TRANSLATED. View the translated version of a foreign language document that has previously been translated on a local computer using a third party translation tool, by human translation, or by using our eDiscovery Auto-Translation services. 

REDACTED. View the redacted version of a file either created within LEP or uploaded as a redacted version of a PDF file.   

ANNOTATED. View annotated or highlighted PDF images or files. 

COMPARE. Displays the two documents being compared when using the built-in Document Comparison Tool. 

Coding Tabs on the right of the Document Viewer

The section on the right of the page is divided into five tabs: DISC (Discovery), DOC, NOTES, FACTS, and RELATED. See the individual links for more information on a specific tab.  


Allows users to view and edit information typically performed during a document review. Users can access and edit document-specific information in the various built-in data fields including designations of 'Key' (hot) documents, document date, native Metadata and coding for responsiveness and privilege, and any custom coding fields created by users. 


Allows users to view and edit a document's description, view the document history, and split or remove pages from a document. The Translation, Redaction and Annotation features are also located here. 


Allows users to create, view and edit document specific text notes. 


Allows users to create, view and edit facts related to a document, which will display in LEP's 'Facts and Issues' timeline module. 


Displays the email family relationships, threaded emails, exact duplicates and near duplicates (if applicable). 

Auto Advance & Propagate Coding

Once a file is opened from the Document Viewer, choose from the following options:


Code the document and click Save.  This will only save the tags applied (e.g. Responsive, Confidential, etc.), without moving to the next document.


To automatically move to the next document after coding, check the Auto Advance checkbox.   After reviewing and/or coding documents (10 to 200 depending on the number of documents displayed in Browse or Search), close the current window and return to Browse or Search. Advance by page at the bottom of the main table.  Click on the first document in the page to open the Document Viewer and proceed to the next set of documents. 

Propagate Coding

By selecting this option, all coding applied with the Responsive, Confidential, Attorney-Client Privilege, or Attorney Work Product designations will be copied from the current document to all members of an email family, over-writing any previous coding.  Non-Responsive, Needs Further Review, and Not Specified will not propagate.  The Propagate Coding feature does not apply to custom coding and does not apply the same coding to the next document.  See Email Family Propagation for more information.  

Document Types Supported

The Platform supports over 100 file types. These include Adobe's PDF file format, native file types such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other Microsoft office file types.  Graphic file types include JPEG, BMP, and TIFF. Please see our Technical Note on Document Viewer Troubleshooting if the Doc Viewer is not displaying documents as expected.