Managing Custom Doc Fields

Location: Management >>Manage Custom Doc Fields

General: Custom coding sections and fields can be added and managed by Account Admin Users and Power Users from the Management >>Manage Custom Doc Fields page.  Custom sections are used to organize the custom fields into meaningful groups whereas the custom fields are used to code the actual document. 

Setting up Custom Sections and Fields

Initial Insights

Adding Sections or Fields from the Manage Custom Doc Fields Page

If adding a field to a new section:

If adding a field to an existing section:

Add Coding Field Window

Adding Sections or Fields via Multi Doc Edit

Please note, the Multi Doc Edit tool is available as a menu item on the left side of the Browse and Search pages.

If adding a field to a new section:

If adding a field to an existing section:

Adding Sections or Fields from Multi Doc Edit

Adding Sections or Fields From the Doc Viewer 

If adding a field to a new section:

If adding a field to an existing section:

Adding Sections or Fields from the Doc Viewer

Importing Custom Sections and Fields via Excel

This feature is an easy way to add sections and fields to your case quickly by setting them up in Excel for import. **Please note, this feature is only for adding new sections and fields as it will not edit, update, delete, or reorganize any existing fields.

Creating the Excel File

Example of Excel File to Import

Importing the Excel File

Importing Sections & Fields via Excel

Editing Custom Sections and Fields

Editing Section and Field Names

Moving Sections and Fields

To move a section

**Note, that moving a section will move all of its' fields with it

To move a field:

Deleting Custom Sections or Fields

To delete a section or field:
