Transcript and Exhibit Management

This technical note discusses coding depositions, transcripts, and exhibits in a way that is easy for users to retrieve, review, search, and download.

Organize Document Sets Using Coding Fields 

Best practice is to organize documents into coding fields sections as opposed to Folders. Folders are one-dimensional (cannot multi-tag) and only work well with one criterion for a case (e.g. Transcripts).  A document can only live in one folder at a time. See Folders vs. Doc Fields for more information.  Coding fields/tags are multi-dimensional, which means that one document may have many tags, without creating duplicates in the case.  The user may tag multiple files simultaneously using Multi Doc Edit.  

Coding fields are described below:  

Built-in Doc Fields: Built-in fields (e.g. Responsive, Non-Responsive, etc.) allow users to code and filter on case data for better integration of metadata from eDiscovery Processing, Concordance, and Summation load files. For example, the Date field can be used as a controlling field.  This allows the user to consolidate the dates for searching, filtering, and eventually producing files. The Date field is left blank by default.

Custom Doc Fields: Fields set up by Account Admin Users that help identify documents and associate with multiple specific issues established for the case, such as Document Type, Transcripts, Exhibit, Video Deposition, etc.,

Set up Custodians 

Assign Custodians to identify the litigants, deponents, witnesses, other individuals, and organizations in the case that provide factual information from the Analysis->Custodians page.  See Custodians for more information.  

Upload Files 

See Add Case Documents for more information.  

View Sections and  Fields in Browse and Search 

To view fields in Browse or Search, select Fields->Show Fields from the left margin. Select the sections to display in Browse view and click OK.  If a field is checked, a check box will be visible.  To view the full text of a coding field place the mouse over the field title or check-mark symbol. 

To code multiple documents from the Browse or Search pages, select the documents from the current case. Documents may be selected one at a time, by the page or All. After selecting documents, apply Multi Doc Edit.

View Sections and Fields in the Document Viewer 

Select a document from the Browse, Search or Facts & Issues pages, to open a document in the Document Viewer.   View and tag documents (one at a time) under the Disc tab.  Move to the next file using the navigation arrows at the top of the page (e.g. <Viewing 3 of 25:>).

Filter On Coding Fields

To filter on one or more fields within the Browse and Search pages, select Filters->Select Custom Filters from the left margin. Click Apply and the document set will be filtered in Browse. Filtering on multiple tags within the same Custom Section results in an either/or result. 

Saved & Shared Filters

Filters are saved automatically.  Select from the list view under the Recent section. The default link titles are in the Recent Filter YYYY-DD-MM format.  Click the Edit hyperlink to rename. The user may pin and share the most used filters, delete existing records, or Cancel.  See Shared Functions for more information.  

Filters have more functionality and less restrictions than folders.  Shared filters are accessible to all users in an account with case access.

Search for Exhibits 

The Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) search capacity is fast, accurate, and comprehensive.  Advantages of using Search:

Saved and Shared Searches

Search history records every term entered in search engine specific to user name.  All searches are saved whenever the user enters a keyword and selects Search.  The Search Quick Links section is divided into three subsections:  

Shared. View the searches shared under this section. To share or unshare searches with all users in the current case click on Edit, check or uncheck the shared icon in the Shared/Pinned Searches dialog box.  

Pinned. Click the Edit hyperlink, select a recent search, and use the check-box to pin searches. Click OK to save changes or Cancel. 

Recent. Shows the search history applied.

The screen displays the five most recent searches.  Click the Edit hyperlink to display a full list of searches.  See Search for more information.  

Working With Video and Audio Depositions

Follow the steps below to open video/audio (MP3, MP4, MPEG, etc.) files locally:

Click on a video and/or audio file from the Browse, Search or Fact & Issues pages. The action will open the Document Viewer.  Switch to the Original tab and click the Stay in Original View (slower) button.

Open or Save File as indicated.

If the user selects the Open With button, the file will be opened using the related application on the computer (e.g. Windows Media Player).

Adding Transcript Annotations and Highlights

The user may either annotate/highlight documents directly in the Document Viewer or manually upload documents previously annotated.  See Annotation for more information.

Share Documents

There are three ways to share a document with others: Shared URL links from the Document Viewer, Excel spreadsheet (exported from Browse, Search, and Facts & Issues pages) or Download Briefcase.

Document Viewer URL links. Copy and paste the URL from the Document Viewer into an email to share one document at a time with other LEP users.  Only users with the link will be able to access the document.

Export Logs To Excel. The user may select multiple documents and tag for export to an Excel spreadsheet. The Excel log allows the user to generate a report that can be filtered, sorted, and shared with other users of LEP for further analysis in Excel. 

Column A, titled Doc Id contains the URL links of all documents selected.  Click and hold to select the cell and open the document.  Only users with the link will be able to access the document.

LEP supports the two most recent versions of Excel for Excel integration (2010 and 2013).   

See Download Briefcase for more information.  

See Facts & Issues for more information.