
Location: Browse/Search 

General: The features described below are available on the Browse page. 

Available Through Browse: Search, Pilot, Email Thread Groups, Near Dup Groups 

To quickly jump to the desired section of this page without scrolling, click the link to the topic in the Table of Contents below.

The Document Table

By default, the document table on the Browse page displays the first 25 documents of the document library; however, you can further opt to display anywhere from 10, 25, 50, 100, or 200 documents per page. 

Documents are sorted by Title as the default, but can be placed in family order by clicking the Paperclip icon in the upper right corner. 

Additionally, you can drag and drop the displayed columns to place them in your preferred order, expand the current documents to show families, and, via the kebab (the three white vertical dots in the upper right corner) you can choose to wrap the displayed text, change the row height using the slider, or quickly save your current field layout to an existing Layout Quick Link.

The lower left corner of the document table displays the page you are currently viewing. This number will change depending on how many documents you choose to display per page. In the lower right corner of the document table, you can select the number of documents to display per page, and the range of documents visible in the document table.

The single arrows (< and >) are used to move forward or back one page at at a time; the circular refresh icon can be clicked to refresh the document table without refreshing the entire page, The double arrows (I< and >I) are used to move to the first and last pages of the document table.


Clicking the Paperclip icon in the upper right corner will sort documents into family order (i.e., email/attachment order), and, if a filter is applied, it will expand to show the family members of the already displayed documents. Any documents appearing on the page as a result of enabling the Paperclip will have their row numbers appear in yellow. Additionally, when documents are sorted in family order the attachments will be indented as shown below.


Users can perform searches in Lexbe by clicking in the white box next to the magnifying glass, entering a term, and then hitting Enter or clicking Search. Search results will populate on the screen, and can be opened in the Doc Viewer for review by clicking on the hyperlinked title for each returned document. To clear a search term, click the X in the search box. To return to Browse mode, click Reset.

For specifics on Lexbe's search capabilities, please see our Search Help Page.

Selecting Documents

To select individual documents, click the box next to each desired document. If you wish to select all documents in the document table, or, alternatively, only those displayed on the current page, click on the Select drop down, and choose All or Page respectively. Selecting None will deselect all documents in the document table.


The Folders feature can be found in the menu bar on the left side of the Browse/Search page. By default, all documents are located in the Unassigned folder until moved. 

Adding Documents to Folders

1. Select documents to add to folder.

2. Go to the Multi Doc Edit menu.

3. Select the 'Folder' option from the dropdown.

4. Select the desired folder.

5. Click 'Update __ Docs'.

6. Click the Refresh icon (# 1. above) to see the updated document count next to the folder.

If you are moving emails or attachments to a specific folder and you want the full families to move to the target folder with the selected documents, click "Expand to Email Family." Leave this option unchecked if you only want to move the selected documents to the folder.


Users can sort documents on the Browse page in a couple of ways.

1. Column Header Sorting. The columns displayed on the Browse page can be sorted alpha-numerically (for text fields) or chronologically (for date fields) by clicking on the column header. One click with sort them in alpha-numeric or chronological order and two clicks will sort in reverse alpha-numeric or reverse chronological order. (See Image 1 below) NOTE: When search results are displayed, only the Master Date column can be sorted

2. Using the Sort Menu. Expand the Sort section on the left on the Browse page and click SELECT SORT. This will allow you to sort by a maximum of three (3) levels in either Ascending or Descending Order. (See Image 2 below)NOTE: The Sort Menu is not available when search results are displayed.

Image 1: Column Header Sort

Image 2: Sort Menu


All Built-In and Custom Doc Fields in the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) can be used to filter case documents by a specific selection of one or more fields.  Users can choose between the Simple or Advanced Filters. In either filter option, the user can select one field, or a combination of fields to cull documents to a desired subset.

The Simple Filter's functionality is basic in that it places an AND operator between every field that's added. 

Conversely, the Advanced Filter is completely flexible allowing users to nest filters, utilize a mixture of AND/OR/NOT operators, and provides additional options for individual fields such as Is, Is Not, Contains, Doesn't Contain, Is Blank, etc. Additional details and examples for each filter are provided below.

Adding and Removing Fields to Filters

To add individual fields to the Simple or Advanced Filter:

To add a section of fields to the Simple or Advanced Filter:

Simple Filter

As previously stated, the Simple Filter is for basic filtering. You can add as many fields to the filter as you want, but all fields will be connected by an AND operator. 

For fields represented by a single Checkbox (e.g. Attorney-Client Privilege, Work Product Privilege, Custom Checkbox Fields, etc.), unchecking the checkbox will exclude any documents where that field is checked.

Advanced Filter

The Advanced Filter is completely flexible and customizable. Not only does each individual field come with its own additional options, but users can also build more complex filters using a mixture of AND, OR, or NOT operators. 

Individual Fields and Comparers

Individual fields added to the Advanced Filter will often have additional comparers available to help refine your filter. The available comparers depends entirely on the field, and are typically located after field name once added to the filter.

Examples of Comparers

Filtering with the ANY Selector

When adding two or more fields to the Advanced Filter the options ANY or ALL will appear at the top of the filter menu. 

ANY is equivalent to using the OR operator. As such, any of the criteria set forth in the filters will be met, so the OR operator appears on the left to connect the fields in the filter (see Fig. 1).

To create the filter in Fig. 1:

(Fig. 1)  Responsive OR Attorney-Client Privileged OR Confidential

Filtering with the ALL Selector

ALL is equivalent to using the AND operator. As such, all of the criteria set forth in the filters will be met, so the AND operator appears on the left to connect the fields in your filter (see Fig.2). 

To create the filter in Fig. 2:

(Fig. 2)  Responsive AND Attorney-Client Privileged

Using Multiple Operators and Parentheses 

To use multiple operators and parentheses, click the + icon to add fields so they're nested in parentheses (see Figs. 3 and 4). 

To create the filter in Fig. 3:

(Fig. 3)  Responsive AND Attorney-Client Privileged AND (Confidential OR Key Document

To create the filter in Fig. 4:

(Fig. 4Responsive AND Attorney-Client Privileged AND NOT (Confidential OR Key Document) 

Filter Quick Links

Filter Quick Links can be created from the Filter section on the Browse page to quickly access previously created filters without the need to re-create the filter each time it needs to be accessed. 

A Shared Filter Quick Link is the saved result of a filter and is accessible to all users in the account.

A Pinned Filter Quick Link is the saved result of a filter and is only accessible to the user that created the saved filter.

A Recent Filter Quick Link is the last five (5) filters performed by the current user.  The most recently applied filter is listed first.

Select EDIT to rename/share/pin/delete filter quick links. To access the share/pin/delete options, click the kebab next to the quick link you wish to update. If the kebab is grayed out, that indicates the quick link was created by another user and can only be edited by an Account Administrator or the user who created it (see image below)


The Layouts menu on the Browse page is where you can select the fields you wish to display in the document table. Additionally, the Layouts menu is also where Account Administrators can create and manage case defaults for the fields that are displayed on the Browse and Search pages, as well as which custom sections are visible in the Doc Viewer. 

Select Fields

Click on Select Fields to open the Select Fields window. In this window you will be able to choose fields and sections you want to display and place them in your preferred order. 

If an Account Administrator has not setup a default field display for the case, then the Lexbe default of Title, Extension, Master Date, and Placeholder fields will be selected.

The Available Fields column lists all Built-In fields followed by Custom Sections in the case in alphabetical order. Custom Sections are identifiable by the ^ that appears after the section name.

The Selected Fields column contains those fields and/or sections you have chosen for display, and also allows you to customize the order in which the fields and/or sections are displayed via drag and drop.

Layouts - Selecting Fields

Displaying Fields

To select a field or section for display, click on its name or checkbox in the Available Fields column to move it to the Selected Fields column. Fields or sections currently being displayed, will have a check mark in the Available Fields column. When selecting Custom Sections, the section and all of its fields will be moved to the Selected Fields column; however, once the section is in the Selected Fields column, it can be expanded by clicking on the ^ next to the section name. When Custom Sections are expanded, you can choose to remove any of its individual fields as well as the section name from the Selected Fields column, so they are not displayed.

To remove a field or section from the Selected Fields column, you can click on its name or checkbox in the Available Fields column, or, you can hover over the field or section name in the Selected Fields column to generate an X, that, when clicked, will remove it from the Selected Fields column. To remove a Custom Section and all of its fields, collapse the section using the ^, and then click on the section name or its checkbox. To only remove the section name, or certain fields within the section, expand the section using the ^, and then click on the names or checkboxes of those fields you do not want displayed. Please note, the Title field will always be a displayed field.

At any time, you can use the Select drop down located next to Selected Fields to (i) display all available fields by clicking All, (ii) clear all of the currently displayed fields by selecting None, or (iii) return to the case's default display by clicking Default (if a default display for the case has not been set, then the Lexbe default will automatically be chosen).

Reordering Displayed Fields

Fields and Custom Sections in the Selected Fields column may be placed in any order via drag and drop. When dragging and dropping a collapsed Custom Section, all fields belonging to that section will be moved with it. When the Custom Section is expanded, its fields can be dragged and dropped anywhere in the Selected Fields column.

Layout Quick Links

A Shared Layout Quick Link is the saved result of a particular field view and is accessible to all users in the account. Any layout defaults created by an Account Administrator are automatically shared and will also appear here.

A Pinned Layout Quick Link is the saved result of a particular field view and is only accessible to the user that created it. 

A Recent Layout Quick Link is the last five (5) field views performed by the current user.  The most recently applied field view is listed first. Please note, any time an adjustment to column width is made, it will generate a new Recent Layout Quick Link. This occurs because column width is now maintained as part of the quick link. 

Select Edit to rename/share/pin/delete layout quick links. To access the share/pin/delete options in the Edit menu, click the kebab next to the quick link you wish to update. If the kebab is grayed out, that indicates the quick link was created by another user and can only be edited by an Account Administrator or the user who created it.

Additionally, existing Layout Quick Links can now be updated. As such, if you rearrange the fields that are displayed, change the width of the columns, or have chosen to add or remove some of the fields, you can save these changes to an existing Layout Quick Link.

To update an existing Layout Quick Link, click on the kebab in the upper right corner of the document table, hover or click on Save Layout As, and then select the quick link you wish to update. This will prompt Lexbe to open a Save Confirmation window where you click OK to save the changes. As with any other quick link in Lexbe, unless you are an Account Administrator, you can only update quick links you created. As such, quick links created by other users will be grayed out as shown below.

Updating an Existing Layout

Manage Defaults

This option is only available to Account Administrators, and is located in the Layouts menu. Default display layouts provide Account Administrators the ability to choose which fields are shown by default on the Browse and Search screens when users sign into the case. Additionally, default coding layouts provides Account Administrators with the ability to choose which custom sections are displayed in the Doc Viewer for Account Administrators, as well as Standard, Review, and Limited user types with case access. 

All Layout Quick Links (Shared, Pinned, and Recent) can be assigned as a default display or default coding layout. Layout quick links assigned as a default will automatically appear as a Shared layout quick link. 

If a display default has not been assigned, then the Lexbe default fields (Title, Extension, Master Date, and Placeholder) will be displayed on the Browse and Search pages upon sign in. If a coding default has not been assigned, then all custom coding sections will be visible in the Doc Viewer.

Please note, that currently, default coding layouts only show or hide entire custom sections in the Doc Viewer. As such, any Layout Quick Links you wish to assign as a coding layout must include the name of the custom section. 

Manage Defaults Window

Click on Manage Defaults to open the Manage Defaults window. Currently, default display layouts can only be assigned to Account Administrator and Standard user types; however, default coding layouts can be assigned to Account Administrators, as well as Standard, Review, and Limited user types. 

To assign a Display or Coding layout, click on the downward facing arrow next to the appropriate user type, then choose the desired Layout Quick Link from the drop down and click OK. As shown below, display and coding layouts can be setup independent of one another, so you have total flexibility of what you want displayed versus what's available for coding purposes.

Deleting Documents

Select a document(s) from the document table, click Delete Selected Docs link at the bottom left of the screen.  A confirmation dialog box will appear.  Press OK.  The documents and associated tags will be permanently deleted from the LEP database.

Partial email families cannot be deleted. **Choosing to delete any one document that is part of an email family will result in the permanent deletion of all email family member documents.**  This action cannot be undone.  

The Delete Documents option is only available to account administrators. 

Multi Doc Edit Menu

This feature allows the user to edit/tag multiple documents simultaneously from the document table.

EditMake the appropriate tag update in the new dialog box.  Click Update # Docs.  The update button will contain the number of total documents from the document table that will be updated.

Field To Field:  The Field to Field tab allows the user to move the same data between existing fields in LEP.  The steps to perform Field to Field edit are the same as the Edit tab instructions.

Example:  Multi Doc Edit the Custodian Field

Adding a New Custom Section or Field

Also available in the Multi Doc Edit menu, is the ability to add a new custom section or field on the fly. To do so, click on the + sign next to the Select Field drop down menu as shown by the red arrow in the image to the right. From here, you can add a new custom section, custom field, or both. 

Additional details on creating Custom Sections and Custom Fields can be found here: Manage Custom Doc Fields

    Adding a Custom Section or Field

Export a Log To Excel

Document information, along with selected built-in and custom tags, can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet from the Browse page that can be saved to a user's local computer or network. 

**NOTE: There is a limit on the number of fields that can be exported to an Excel log. If you attempt to export a log and it does not work, please reach out to Professional Services at for assistance.

Export To Briefcase

To view the instructions for using the Export to Briefcase feature, please see the Download Briefcase Help Page. 

Creating a Production from the Browse Page

This section allows the user to create a production job (this can also be done via the Production Job page) and/or add documents to a production job. 

Creating a Production Job

Production jobs can be created when no documents are selected, but if documents are selected, then they'll automatically be added to the newly created job. 

To create a new production job:

Production job details and specifics can be edited from the Production Job page.