Case Deletion

Location:  Account->Manage Cases


Only an Account Admin User may delete cases.  Best practice is to make a backup copy of the entire case database before deleting from an account.  It may be impossible to restore a case once deleted.  

How to Delete Cases from the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP)

Once a backup has been made, log out of the case to be deleted and from another case within the account go to Account->Manage Cases. Select the Account, if applicable.  Hover over each case to be deleted to reveal the X. Click the X, then click OK to confirm the deletion.

If the user is attempting to delete the only case in the account or is deleting all cases within a users account, the Account Administrator should reach out to Professional Services and/or Sales for assistance prior to deletion. 

Can a Case be recovered if Deleted?

This will depend on the delete cycle of the data backup storage.  Depending on when the request is submitted, we may be able to recover a case and metadata from backup.  There is a recovery charge for this service and generically takes two days if data is recoverable.

User associations to the case are not retained.  Upon recovery the case is assigned to one account admin to grant further user rights as needed.  To request a case restoration, please contact Sales or Professional Services.