Unusual and Large Files

Large Files

Large PDF files may take several minutes to display in the Document Viewer under the Original or PDF tabs.  Internet speed can also affect the time to open or download a large document. 

Large files may also be opened in the Text tab.  To navigate back/forward use the navigation arrows at the top of the page (e.g. <Viewing 3 of 25:>). The user may export the current file from the Document Viewer using the Export to Briefcase option in the upper right corner.   

Alternatively, the user may use the Export to Briefcase function from the Browse page.

Unusual Files

The user may open native files from the Text tab.  dtSearch will not always extract the text on native files.  We recommend that unsupported file formats be converted to PDF before upload.

Fixing PDFs

Get a better original (if one exists) and replace in the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP). 

Download the original and manipulate using PDF editing software (e.g., Acrobat Pro) to re-sample and save. 

Download the original, if it opens in Acrobat or another PDF viewer, print and re-scan. Re-upload the new version. This approach works best for smaller documents. Re-upload to LEP and check for proper indexing and pagination.