View Original Files In Mac

How to view original files for Mac OS X- Browsers Firefox/Safari

1. Check for software updates and use the latest Mac version.  This will avoid problems when opening files within web browsers. See Support for Mac OS-X for more information.  

2. Open web browser (e.g., Firefox) and under the browser menu open Preferences.

3. From Preferences go to General> Manage Add-ons

4. Install an application that allows the user to work with native files, for example iWork for Mac.

5. Check under the "Plugins" tab that the "QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.1" is up to date. This plugin will open the iWork application and display the native version of documents (e.g., Numbers, Preview). It should always be "Enabled."

6. Close the Preferences window and login to the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) account, go to the Browse page to view all documents within the current case and select any native file document to be opened in a new tab (e.g. .doc/.xls/.ppt document).

7. In order to view the original file, click on the Original tab. A new window will open.  Select the appropriate option according to the type of native file selected (i.e. Open with Numbers, Preview or Keynotes).

8. The original document will automatically open in native view using one of the applications from iWork from the Firefox browser. In the example below, an Excel file will be opened using the application called Numbers for Mac.

Note: When using Safari the configuration path is under the Help->Installed Plug-ins menu.

View original files for Mac OS X- Browser Google Chrome

Chrome can be configured to automatically open native files.  See Viewing Original Files for more information.

Opening And Saving Outlook E-mails

You can open, read, and save locally Outlook MSG files on a Mac by downloading a Mac software such as MailRaider.

How to view Word and PDF files Using OmniWeb-Inline View

OmniWeb is a free browser that allows the user to view PDF and Word documents directly in the Document Viewer page. If using this browser, follow the steps below:

1. Install OmniWeb on a Mac by clicking on the following Link:

2. Make sure that the Word Browser Plug-in for Safari is installed or updated by typing on the website address: "about:plugins" or click here to download directly.

3. Go to LEP and open the Browse page to view all documents within the current case and select any Word file document to be opened in a new tab.

4. Select the Word document (.docx or .doc) or PDF file to be opened from the Document Viewer. From that window the file displays from the Native or Text (OCR extracted text from Original documents) tabs.