Case Assessment

Location: Analysis >> Case Assessment


LEP provides users with the ability to create advanced visual reports during the review process and to more effectively manage eDiscovery progress and workflows. Case assessment tools simplify the investigation of relevant documents by creating reports that will automatically extract, organize and summarize the specific data selected with respect to the documents uploaded to the current case.  Users can create customized reports that show only specified document or data criteria.  

Built-In Upload Reports

Upload: Doc Count by Master Date

This report shows total documents in case grouped by Master Date.

Upload: Doc Count by Custodian

Upload: Page Count by Custodian

Upload: Gigabytes by Custodian

These three reports show document count, page count, and GB count respectively. They are grouped by documents assigned to custodians.

Upload: Doc Count by Doc Source

Upload: Page Count by Doc Source

Upload: Gigabytes by Doc Source

These three reports show document count, page count, and GB count respectively. They are grouped by the Doc Source field initially assigned at the time of upload.

Upload: Doc Count by File Extension

Upload: Gigabytes by Extension

These two reports show document count and GB count respectively. They are grouped by the document extension. The report is limited to 100 entries. For reports larger than 100 rows, contact Professional Services.

Built-In Processing Reports

Processing: Doc Count Unsupported by Extension

Processing: Gigabytes Unsupported by Extension

These two reports show document count and GB count respectively for file types that are not supported for automatic conversion to PDF. They are grouped by document extension. See Supported File Types For Automated PDF and TIFF creation for more information.  

Processing: Doc Count Failed To Convert by Extension

Processing: Gigabytes Failed To Convert By Extension

These two reports show document count and GB count respectively for file types that failed to automatically convert to PDF. They are grouped by document extension. Conversions might have failed due to corrupt or password protected files.

Built-In Review Reports

Review: Status Docs

Review: Status Pages

These two reports show documents and pages respectively for documents that have been marked "HasBeenReviewed" from the Document Viewer as part of a review process.

Review: Doc Count - Responsive and Privilege Docs

This report shows the Review status (checked or unchecked) as a function of each of the Responsive tag values.

Review: Doc Count by Doc Type

Review: Gigabytes by Doc Type

These two reports show document count and GB count respectively. Each report shows the Review status (checked or unchecked) as a function of each of the "Doc Type" tag values.

Filtering Reports

Reports can be further customized by using the + Filters option to drill down to a specific set of data.

Export Reports

The results of the current report can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet using the Export button. The export is limited to 100 entries. For reports larger than 100 rows, contact Lexbe Professional Services.

Report Results

Reports can be viewed in either Graph or Table views. The Export option is only available when in the Table view.

Graph View

Table View