Account Hibernation
Hosting data on a hibernated basis (no client access) at a reduced monthly charge is available as outlined below:
Lexbe offers various case or account hibernation options for larger cases.
All coding and metadata is preserved in hibernation.
The flex rate for a hibernated account is discounted from the regular flex rate and is subject to a minimum monthly account charge ($100/month).
To request account hibernation, ask your eDiscovery Solutions Director for a quote and instruct Professional Services to hibernate case(s) or an entire account.
Standard three day business turnaround time applies to hibernate case(s) or an entire account.
There is no account/case access during hibernation.
A hibernated account can be restored in three business days.
Professional Services hourly charges apply at the point of activation and deactivation of hibernation status.
When an account/case(s) is hibernated, we do not preserve users or permissions. At the time a hibernation is deactivated, Professional Services will need instructions on user access to the account, specific cases, and permission levels.
Regular Flex Billing (rather than the hibernated rates) will apply for the month hibernation is activated and the month hibernation is deactivated.