Document Viewer


Location:  The first tab located near the upper right of the Document Viewer. 


The Discovery Tab (DISC) is located on the Document Viewer. This tab includes the discovery production information, the standard and custom coding fields used during document reviews, and the metadata associated with the document. 

How to Show the Discovery Tab Document Viewer

To access the DISC Tab in the Document Viewer, select a document by clicking the link to the document from Search or Browse. 

The Document Viewer window will open. The Discovery tab is the first tab in the right-side panel as shown below. 

Document ID 

The first section (Document ID) will display the following fields:

Doc Id: A unique string of numbers automatically generated by the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) for each file uploaded/processed. 

Control Number: Sequential numbers that can be applied to documents for review prior to Bates numbering documents in a production.  See Control Numbers for more information.

Bates Prefix: The alphabetic prefix of a Bates number.

Bates Start: The Bates number of the first page in the document. 

Doc Source: The Doc Source input by the user during document uploads.  

Custodian: The individual or organization from where the document originated. See Custodians for more information.  

Source File Path: This built-in field includes the original file path of the document and is named after the original sender of all email data. 


The General section will display the following fields:

Key Document: Used during document review to code a document as a Key Document (i.e., Hot Document). Key documents can be filtered on from the Browse and Search screens. 

Doc Date: An editable field for inputting the date of the document. For native emails uploaded into the platform, the Doc Date will automatically be set to the email Sent Date by default. The Doc Date does not propagate to attachments. For other types of native files uploaded into the platform the Doc Date is the same as the 'Date Created' or 'Date Last Modified' value by default. 


The Coding section contains the built-in document tagging fields. This section displays the following:

Not Specified: Default coding when documents are loaded into Lexbe.

Responsive: Used to code a document as Responsive. 

Non-Responsive: Used to code a document as Non-Responsive. 

Needs Further Review: Used to identify documents that need additional review before a responsiveness or privilege determination can be made. 

Confidential: Allows users to indicate which documents should contain a Confidential designation stamped on the bottom right corner of a page. 

Custom Designation: Allows users to mark a document with a custom designation such as "Subjective to Protective Order" or "Attorney Eyes Only." The document will include the specific custom designation stamped on the bottom right corner of a page. 

Attorney-Client Privilege: Mark certain communications or documents between a client and his or her attorney, for privilege.  The document will not be part of a document production but will be part of the privilege log.

Attorney Work Product: Mark certain materials prepared in anticipation of litigation from discovery by opposing counsel. These rules vary by jurisdiction. The document will not be part of a document production but will be part of the privilege log.

Privileged: Needs Redaction:  Used to code a document as partially privileged, thus needing a redaction. This box can only be checked once one or more types of privilege (Attorney-Client and/or Work Product) have been selected. Documents with this coding require a redaction. The redacted version will be produced and the document automatically added to the privilege log.

Personal Information: Needs Redaction: Used to code a document that needs to be, or has been, redacted for PII. It's purpose is to provide a way to track these types of redactions in a log, and to ensure that documents with this tag  have a redaction during the production validation process. The redacted version of documents with this tag will be produced in a production.

Document Reviewed by Me: This label appears if you have reviewed the document.

Document Reviewed By Others: This label appears if another user has reviewed the document.


The fields displayed under the Metadata section are read-only for Standard Users, with edit rights only for Account Admin Users. These fields are typically generated by a LOADFILE at upload/file ingestion, and it is not recommended to edit these fields. Professional Services can assist with any questions regarding metadata.

Custom Field Sections

Any Custom Doc Sections/Fields created by users appear in the DISC Tab just below the Metadata section. The Custom Fields help users identify and code ("tag") documents with custom fields and designations previously established by a user in a case. The image below shows the Custom Sections and corresponding fields for "Discovery Responses," "Deponents," and "Redaction Detail." See Manage Custom Doc Fields for more information.

Saving and Moving to the Next Document 

Each time a document is coded or annotated in anyway, click SAVE to preserve all changes.  By default, the boxes Auto Advance and Propagate Coding will be checked.  Auto Advance automatically takes the user to the next document in the Browse window after clicking save. Propagate Coding means that the designation (responsive, privilege) applied to an email will also "propagate" to any and all attachments to that email and vice versa. This ensures emails are consistently coded and protects from inadvertent waiver of privilege during productions. It is best practice to keep these boxes checked.