Facts Tab

Location: Document Viewer >> Facts (right-side panel)


To access the Document Viewer, click any link to a document in the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) from the Search, Browse, or Facts & Issues pages. The Facts tab will be the fourth tab in the right-side panel of the Document Viewer. The Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) allows users to add multiple Facts to a particular document. Each fact may be edited at any time. The Facts section will display all the facts related to the current document. Facts can be added from the Facts and Issues page or from the Document Viewer during review.

Adding New Facts

  1. Click the New Fact button to open the Edit Fact window, which will display the following fields:

  • Date Range: Typically the start and end date of the fact based on the document. This field can be left blank.

  • Contested: The "Contested" dropdown menu allows users to indicate whether or not a fact is contested, and by whom.

  • Material: The "Material" dropdown menu allows users to select if a particular fact is field allows users to indicate if a fact is material or not.

  • Page: Refers to the page number of the document to which the fact applies.

  • Title: Users can input the substance of the fact in the Title field. Facts will be easier to work with if the Title refers to one fact and not several facts or a compound fact.

  • Custodians: The "Custodians" dropdown menu allows users to associate an existing custodian in LEP to the fact that is being created. The custodian associated with the fact can be a litigant, deponent, witness or other individual or organization.

  • Issues: The "Issues" dropdown menu allows users to associate the new fact with an existing Issue that has been created in the case.

  1. Click OK to save the Fact, or Cancel to the Edit Fact window without saving your changes.

  2. The new Fact will be displayed on the Facts tab of the Doc Viewer, and will also appear on the Facts & Issue page.

Linking and Unlinking Documents to Existing Facts

Linking a Document to a Fact via the Document Viewer

Any document can be linked to an existing Fact. To do this from the Facts tab in the Document Viewer, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the "Add Doc to Existing Fact" dropdown menu.

  2. Select the applicable existing Fact from the dropdown.

  3. The Edit Fact window is opened.

  4. Users may edit the existing Fact if desired.

  5. Click OK to retain any changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.

  6. Facts linked to the document will appear in the Facts tab of the Document Viewer, and a link to the document will be available when the Fact is viewed from the Facts & Issues page.

Unlinking a Document from an Existing Fact

  1. From the Facts tab of the Document Viewer, identify the Fact you wish to disassociate with the document.

  2. Next to the applicable Fact, click the hyperlinked word "Remove" to unlink the document from the Fact.

  3. The Fact will no longer appear under the Facts tab of the Document Viewer, nor will the document be linked with the Fact when viewed via the Facts & Issues page.

**Please note, clicking "Remove" will only unlink the document from the Fact. It will not delete the Fact from the case.