Related Tab

Location:  Document Viewer >> RELATED


To access the Document Viewer, click any link to a document in the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) from the Search, Browse or Facts & Issues pages. The Related tab will be the fifth tab in the right-side panel of the Document Viewer. The Related section will display Email Families, Email Thread Groups, Exact Duplicates and Near Duplicates related to the selected document.

Email Families

The email parent and its attachment children are maintained as a family in LEP, and LEP is designed to prevent such families from being broken during the review and production processes. Emails with associated attachments can be viewed by expanding the Email Family section in the RELATED Tab. Users can click on the parent email or any of the attachments from this view to access the documents.

For more detail on working in LEP within Email families, please review our Technical Note on Email Families & Propagation of Coding.

Email Threading

If Email Threading has been run in the case and email threads have been identified, the email threads can be viewed in the Email Threading section under the RELATED tab (Fig. 1). Users can click on each email in the chain to view the document. Users may also view a visual graphic of the email thread by clicking on "Visualize." The Visualizer view of an email thread is shown below (Fig. 2). For additional information please see Email Threading.

Fig. 1  Email Threading

Fig. 2  Email Thread Visualizer

Exact Duplicates

If deduplication has been run in the case and exact duplicates have been identified, the Top 25 exact duplicates of the displayed document are shown in the Exact Duplicates dropdown menu (Fig. 3). Users are able to find and code similar documents, accelerate review by mass tagging similar documents, and check consistency on responsiveness and privilege groupings between similar documents. 

For more detail on working with duplicates and the differences in how the deduplication process works, please review our Technical Note on Deduplication.

Fig. 3  Exact Duplicates

Near Duplicates

Near Duplication identifies files and emails that are nearly identical (50% similar in text content). This would include, for example, multiple versions of a Microsoft Word document with slight modifications or a repetitive chain of email threads.  If Near Duplication has been run in the case, the Top 25 Near Duplicate files can be viewed from the Near Duplicates section under the RELATED tab (Fig. 4).

Near Duplication is independent of Exact Deduplication and is only available as a service provided by Professional Services.  See Near Duplication for more information. Contact your Sales Representative for pricing information.  

Fig. 4  Near Duplicates

Extracted Pages

If a document has undergone a split, or has had pages removed, then links to the resulting documents will appear in this section.

When viewing a document that has been split or had pages removed, links to all resulting documents are available in the Related tab of the Doc Viewer as shown below.

When viewing a document that was the result of a split or page removal, then a link back to the original version of the document will appear in the Related tab as shown below.