Translated View

Location:  Document Viewer >> TRANSLATED


The Document Viewer displays a Translated tab for foreign language documents that have been translated using one of the following methods

To access the translated version, click any link to the foreign document in the Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP) from Search, Browse, or Facts & Issues pages. LEP's dual search index will contain both the original language and the translated version, thereby making it possible to find the document searching in either language.

Auto-Translation Services

LEP offers auto-translation services for foreign documents uploaded to the case.  Contact your eDiscovery Solutions Director for an Auto-Translation Services quote. 

Manual Upload of Translated Documents

The user may manually upload documents that have been translated outside of LEP using a translation tool or a human translator.  The translated version must be a saved in PDF file format. Translated documents that are manually uploaded will not delete the original document but instead are added to the same record. 

How to Manually Upload a Translated Document

Note that the instructions below assume the user has uploaded foreign documents to a case in LEP and has translated them outside of LEP.  

Downloading Translated Files (one at a time)

From the Translated view, use the Acrobat control icons to download the Translated version outside of a production.  From the PDF view, use the Acrobat control icons to download the version which has not been translated.  Translated documents are not part of the Download Briefcase generated from the Browse and Search pages.  Only the foreign language versions will be available under the ORIGINALS and PDF sub-folders.  

Which Version will be in a Production?

Only the PDF and Original versions of the document will be included in a production under the ORIGINALS, PDF, and TEXT sub- folders.

Bulk Upload of Translated Documents 

Improved Translation Workflow